Essay 6
Most western societies are based on Christianity. The support OF their churches is declining, this undermines their moral foundations.
My disappointments of worship were in an established church for many years (Essay 3). They are individual experiences and may appear to be trivial. Sadly they are part of a much wider malaise. There is a clear trend of decline in the support for established churches.
In UK about 400 churches are reported to close annually! Most of these were built long ago when the population was probably half what it is now.
I cannot vouch for a claim on TV that more Muslims in Britain attend daily prayers than Anglicans.
A 2006 survey of only 1000 people by the BBC indicated that 66% believed in Christianity, but only 17% practised it, and that percentage is falling steadily. A sample of only 1000 is not statistically significant but the findings are consistent with what we can see.
The underlying beliefs are there. For instance, a recent service in a cathedral, led by a bishop, was held to commemorate the victims of the London bombing. It was attended by senior politicians and other dignitaries.
Locally there are many examples of well attended services to support the bereaved after a tragedy.
The problem is why they do not worship the rest of the time because their churches do not meet their needs. For instance, a large increase in church attendance in USA after the attack on the Twin Towers did not last. Churches blamed lack of faith, but perhaps it was their own manmade worship which did not meet the needs of modern discerning peoples.
The USA was founded by Christians whose faith was universally accepted. A preacher on TV alleged that about four churches close every day in USA. Now an anti-Christian lobby is increasingly vocal. They challenge the display of the 10 Commandments in public buildings, prayers in school and even the celebration of Christmas. The now urge to wish each other “Happy Holiday” instead.
It has gone so far that the president, who is a professed Christian, ended a speech in December 2005 wishing his listeners “Happy Holidays”. Politics are taking priority over professed faith.
We must revive the Christian foundations as the basic morality of our societies.
A PROPHECY. If our civilisations lose their Christian foundations, people will turn instead to the spurious morality of some human doctrine and our nations will pay the awful price.
Extreme examples of the evil of blind faith in human leaders elsewhere, were how people enthusiastically applauded and worshiped Hitler and Stalin. That could be the eventual alternative.
Meanwhile Islam increases its power and so do believers in Jihad.
The traditional churches with many members in most western societies have a central role.
Membership has been generally passed down from parents to children. This goes back for generations, even to the time of Henry VIII. These are churches of habit, whose membership can be taken for granted. In contrast many new sects only get support from the conscious choices of new members. They must be flexible and credible to keep their support.
Churches have political and social roles in society.
In UK the Church of England is recognised as the official church, with the Monarch as its head. Bishops had political power with seats in the House of Lords. The armed forces include chaplains to serve their members.
Churches are also part of the social structure. They provide the ceremonies to celebrate such social milestones as birth, marriage and death.
However only a small proportion of professed Christians worship regularly and their support and their influence is declining.
Conclusion Many believe in God but only turn to churches as a refuge in times of crisis. The major churches are recognised as a part of many activities of society. However active support of individuals is declining. Church ministries must ask why they are losing the support of so many nominal Christians.
Sadly Jesus did prophesy this problem. He said “many will come in my name and will deceive many”. Note He did not say those who preach His word but those who come in His name. This is exactly the problem, the established churches do preach in His name. However too many deceptions have been added over the centuries, they detract from the emphasis of, or even obscure His Messages. The central distinction is between the word of God, brought by Jesus, and the additions to worship by men, in His name, since then.
The structure of church institutions is the first problem . Many are inflexible because they have their own authority which they claim in the name of God.
The problems start at the top. The ruling councils of many churches are self perpetuating. They themselves select their own replacements.
They are not answerable for their performance in losing the support of their members. They defer instead to their revered and almost sacred traditions. These include a host of values, practices and beliefs, evolved by their predecessors over centuries. They are confident that this is how God should be worshipped.
This authority may have suited previous feudal societies when simple people did as they were told. The present remote and detached authority is not acceptable to many potential Christians today.
Anyone serving this population must respond to changing needs.
Failure to respond to these changes is why too many potential believers are staying away.
These churches should return to Christ, His Teaching was that God is the only authority. Church claims of authority, in the name of God, are deceptions which detract from their Christian ministries.
The Second problems of churches are that Christ’s Divine Messages are overshadowed by a whole façade of manmade deceptions of dogma and ceremony.
The situation is complex at all levels of the churches’ structures and activities.
I was enthralled, with millions of others, at the drama and grandeur of the selection and installation of the new Pope. The splendour of their ceremonies and robes is unequalled.
The Pope has enormous power over his followers in the world’s largest church. They clearly have great faith in him and his office.
However the manmade doctrines and rules of this empire has now added considerably to the Holy and simple Ministries, carried by St. Peter and St. Paul, who are praised as the founders of this church.
These additions are now deceptions which distract attention from Christ’s original Teaching
Sadly, I am also uncomfortable with this magnificent Christian empire with its pomp, ceremony and strict manmade rules. Is it really consistent with Jesus’ simple messages of how we should live?
Jesus was critical of the worship and the officials of the synagogues. He said “beware of the scribes who walk in long robes and love the highest seats in feasts. They make long prayers for show”. He contrasted this with a humble sinner who prayed quietly for forgiveness. (Luke 20)
He might have made similar comments if He had been there. Surely this empire has too many manmade additions to Christ’s Ministry, for which He gave His life.
Churches now have beautiful buildings and great music for their worship.
Some churches now claim to have divine power and a holiness of their own. This is explicit in the Creed recited regularly at least in Anglican services. “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church”.
A priest explained that catholic, in this context, means all the wide variety of Christian churches.
It is difficult to see why these are regarded as one church or why they are holy. The fallacy of this recitation
is illustrated in Northern Ireland. There is hostility between members of two old established denominations. For example, Catholic children were prevented from walking to their school through a protestant area. Surely ANY real protestant Christians should have prevented this non-Christian bigotry. “By their fruits ye shall know them“. Their holiness is only the claim of churchmen
They should serve God by providing the venues, organisations and leadership for Christians to worship Christ. They should not themselves be the object of worship or revered as being holy.
As an extreme example of a major aberration in the distant past, was the self righteous belief that non-believers and members of other churches were evil and deserved punishment or even death.
Worst were persecutions like the inquisition. Also the conquistadors who, in the name of God, slaughtered the supposedly evil heathens in Central America.
An extreme contemporary example of fallibility, is a bishop in Africa who stated that the national President is greater than Christ! He also seized a farm that had been owned and developed by one family for generations.
Five years later he may be tried by an ecclesiastical court on 38 charges, including incitement to murder. Opinion is that the bishops who make up this court will not proceed.
He is still in holy office!
This example illustrates why claims of infallibility ring hollow.
Sometimes church convocations make judgements on the actions of their member churches. For instance there was condemnation of a diocese in USA which wanted to appoint a bishop who lived with another man. His church members had decided (after much soul searching) that he was the one they wanted to lead them. Both he and the congregations should be answerable to God and not men for their decision.
Again we should invoke the command “judge not that you be not judged”.
This type of arbitrary judgement contrasts with the lack of action against the bishop noted above. It is not acceptable to many potential Christians.
The established churches have pronounced doctrines governing their beliefs over centuries. These are now revered and even regarded as sacred Truth.
Between 1964 and 1968 the Catholic church made several unequivocal statements of its doctrines. They declared that:
They alone proclaim the infallible truth.
They are necessary for salvation.
They alone are in possession of the Spirit of Christ.
All parts of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Ghost and are therefore sacred and without error.
These unambiguous manmade statements of their faith depart a long way from Jesus’ simple messages, recorded in the Gospels.
The book of Common Prayer is central
to the Anglican church worship.
They are all misleading manmade deceptions.
Many of the older established churches and their officers are still regarded as holy. Some are supposed to be able to forgive the sins of those who confess.
Only God can forgive sins. Jesus said “put not your trust in princes neither in the sons of men”.
Clergy should serve and not rule their congregations. Remember how Jesus insisted on washing the feet of his disciples?
Many churches worship by reciting rituals, routine prayers parrot fashion. Such recitations are not meaningful in modern enlightened society. Apart from the sermon, most prayers and incantations were the same every week in the Anglican worship, which I used to attend. The value of such routines is surely questionable as a guide to living for contemporary congregations.
They only obscure Christ’s Messages of how we should live.
ADULATION A common theme is that worshippers are rewarded for glorifying God. We used to recite at evensong “Lord let thy servant depart in peace according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Lord”. This sort of incantation has no relevance to our behaviour on Monday.
The aims and content of this worship differ fundamentally from Christ’s teaching. He taught simply that we worship when we come together to pray for help from the Holy Spirit.
We serve God, not by worship and adulation, but by loving those we deal with.
Some Church services aim at earning a place in Heaven. There is adulation and praise for the glory of God. Supplication and mortification such as “we are not worthy to gather the crumbs under thy table.” It is questionable how much this worship inspires worshippers to serve God. Jesus has already promised care after death to those who have faith in Him.
Over the years rules, devised by men, have been imposed.
Anglicans have only recently allowed women to be ordained to the priesthood. This was years after Margaret Thatcher became prime minister.
They now debate whether they may be allowed to become bishops in 2010! Please, they should get with the real world where their members live.
A tragic travesty early on the last century was when Mahatma Ghandi tried to attend a “Christian” church in search of Truth. He was denied entry because he was not white! He was undoubtedly one of the great religious leaders of the century but was denied access to Christianity by a church.
Churches have made many additions Christ’s Teaching. These have become the deceptions which Christ prophesied.
People are now discerning and critical so that many of these deceptions are unacceptable and support is declining. It is not the wickedness of men that rejected His Messages. Rather it is because they have obscured manmade deceptions.
These churches owe it to God and to mankind to abandon their distractions and return to lead Christians in Christ’s Teaching.
Their present road is now downhill, though it is paved with good intentions.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Out Creator of our wonderful world sent Jesus to tell us how to live together. (Essay 1) This teaching has been the moral foundation of the development of our society for centuries. (Essay 2)
My faith survived about 50 years of regular worship in the Anglican Church in which I was brought up. (Essay 3) I then eventually found simple ministries concerned only with Christian living in daily life. They merely apply Christ’s Teaching and recognise the availability of help from the Holy Spirit to help those who pray. This has been a real and ultimate fulfilment of my faith. (Essay 4)
Since our Christian worship should be our primary aim in life, I am concerned that so many years of traditional church worship yielded so little. Formal church worship contains too many additions that distract attention from Christ’s Teaching. Consequently the majority in most western nations believe in God but the numbers who attend church worship are declining steadily. (Essay 6) The manmade distractions are now accepted in many aspects of church worship. (Essays 5,6, 7,9 and 10).
Our greatest tragedy and challenge is that this undermines the foundations of society at all levels, from personal to national.
What is needed is a return to Christ’s simple messages to individuals on how to live as taught in the Gospels. This is where we serve God and it is where preachers should concentrate their teaching.
The explosive advances in technology offer exciting advances in many fields for a brighter material future.
In contrast, the declining support for Christianity is tragic and ominous. It threatens our individual and national adherence to, and fulfilment of, our Creator’s purpose for us.
Modern populations. The increasing wealth of western society gives people independence and confidence. The explosion of telecommunications allows access to unlimited information worldwide.
Anyone who serves the public must now take account of how rapidly their needs and expectations are changing.
The businessmen who lead technology are independent, competitive entrepreneurs. Their motivation is to meet the changing needs of their customers. Their rewards are from beating their competitors in responding to change. They are flexible and dynamic.
The churches are dominated by large established organisations. Their power is held at the top. Their leaders choose replacements so they are self perpetuating and answerable only to themselves. They are conservative and are governed by their traditions, which evolved over centuries. Their reward is that they believe that theirs is the way to serve God.
Their dedication is unquestionable. However they are set apart from other organisations which change in response to the changing needs of society. This accounts for their falling support.
The major churches are central to the problem. A large majority of Christians profess membership of these churches. Increasingly many are merely nominal Christians. The support of even the active members of these churches is declining.
Christians should spare no effort to identify the causes and reverse this decline.
These deceptions, which more and more potential Christians cannot accept, are the cause of the decline. They are the manmade additions to teaching and worship which have been added to Christ’s Messages. (PART 2) He came to teach us how to live. He did not come to found religious denominations. These have been created by men since Christ and they are deceptions from His mission.
Exceptions are those who believe these deceptions, as I did for too many years, that this is how God should be worshipped. Many are Sunday Christians whose weekly worship is expected to secure forgiveness and salvation. They miss the fulfilment of Christ’s loving Messages for daily living.
The Old Testament is a major distraction which should not continue to be revered by Christian churches (Essay 9). Because it is included in the Bible it is revered as Holy Truth.
Revering the Old Testament is a major deception and a misleading distraction from the worship of Christ.
Conclusion The churches are losing support. This is tragic because it is not Christ’s Teaching that is rejected, but that it is obscured by the manmade deceptions which now predominate in church ministries. They must come down from their mountain to where the people are, and leave their baggage behind. They must discard the belief in their own holy power and in the sanctity of the traditions which govern church affairs.
The changes required, are to return to teaching how Christ’s Holy Messages are the guide to every individual every day. The Holy Spirit is available to help them achieve this.
Teaching Discarding the deceptions would allow churches to concentrate on their real task of teaching how Christ’s Messages are the foundation of Christian living.
Unlike technology, which is constantly changing, the underlying principles of Christ’s messages are timeless. However our lifestyles are now far more complex than those of His audiences 2000 years ago. His Messages need to be adapted to apply to all the wide variety of issues in our present lives.
In all situations Christians should be guided by the commandment to love their neighbours. This should be the basis of deciding what is right and wrong in all our many decisions.
We deal with people all the time, with family at home, with colleagues at work, with friends in our social life and with strangers when we drive or go shopping. This is where we serve God. Christians should be caring, tolerant and control their emotions. An appropriate guidance is to ”do unto others as you would have them do to you.”
Earning and spending is another major part of our lives. At work we can do the minimum necessary to keep out of trouble. Alternatively we can give our best to serve others, according to our talents.
We must then divide our incomes between spending on ourselves, saving for the future and giving to others in need. Everybody’s priorities are different, but we each have choices about what we believe would be God’s will on how we spend.
We also have civic choices, whether it is only in voting, or in decisions in public office. Christians should be guided by what is right for the community, and not what is popular or may bring personal rewards.
Recent examples of the faith and ultimate successes of other Christians are powerful examples to strengthen faith.
For example, Martin Luther King was an outstanding Christian. He had enormous successes over the years in a tense campaign opposing discrimination against blacks in USA. These included the right to ride in the same buses as whites, to full voting rights foe blacks.
As a committed Christian he insisted on non-violence. He even instructed his followers to follow Christ’s injunction to love their enemies, in this case their white opponents. They included brutal ruthless racists who tried to terrorise blacks through beatings and even murder. God helped this faithful Christian to succeed in doing what was right.
This example is laboured because this was a reality of Christian living today.
Even the lowliest Christian needs the faith and strength to choose what is right and uncomfortable. This is what churches should be teaching to help in life today and tomorrow.
These are examples of areas where Christians must make choices every day which are guided by Jesus. This is what churches should teach. The relevance and credibility of this teaching should satisfy the critical and discerning people of today.
Preaching. Customary sermons include the triumphs of prophets 3000 years ago, in a different society. They sound good but they are irrelevant to Christian living today. Instead there are innumerable examples of, triumphs through faith, of those who did what was right, regardless of the difficulty or dangers to themselves.
We all have to make choices between right and wrong, no matter how humble our own situations.
The Parables are vital which concern issues of daily living and should be applied to Christian choices today.
Our own faith can be strengthened by the innumerable examples of the faith and strength of other contemporary Christians.
Worship Christians gather to give thanks, to repent and to pray for help and strength to renew their faith. Worship and prayer should cover all the aspects of our complex Christian living where faith is needed.
The real help from the Holy Spirit, which is available to all the faithful, should be emphasised more often. Testimonies of successes or triumphs through faith of other contemporary Christians can also strengthen our own faith.
Preachers should report examples of God’s real help to faithful Christians who pray for it. He is here to help the faithful all the time.
Specialisation (Essay 7) working life is increasingly demanding, narrow and specialised. Workers depend more and more on sound reliable advice from others. As a farmer I depend heavily on a variety o f competent specialists, such as agronomists, entomologists and pathologists.
Churches should be the specialists in Christianity to provide reliable relevant teaching to their flocks.
This is not about esoteric issues of theology, but about issues of faith in every day contemporary Christian living. Teaching on these real issues of life will be a more demanding task for churchmen if they abandon their current irrelevant routines. They are the specialists that busy congregations depend on to equip them for their daily Christian living.
Church teaching at this level has therefore a real new responsibility to teach and sustain the faith of worshippers in their every day living.
Conclusion The challenge for Churches is to present Christ’s Teaching in forms which are meaningful to the changing lives of their members. Teaching should be comprehensive and credible if it is to meet all the needs of the Christians of today.
The faith of worshippers can be strengthened by examples of how contemporary Christians receive help from the Holy Spirit.
Churches have a vital responsibility to teach young children how Christ’s messages should be the guide to their lives. (Essay 8)
Later they become independent in a new exciting life. Our Creator gave a wonderful range of pleasures, but Christians should enjoy them with self-control. They need to be warned against self-indulgent excesses of drink, sex or drugs. These may appear to be exciting but they lead only to emptiness and even dependence.
Churches owe it to these newcomers to present these messages in credible teaching. I am unaware of the effectiveness of current efforts. I can only recall my own sterile introductions 60 years ago. (Essay 3)
Our Creator’s most momentous gift to mankind was sending Jesus to tell us His purpose for living in His wonderful world. This is the only time God lived with mankind and revealed His loving and forgiving nature. His power to heal and the help available from the Holy Spirit were also without precedent.
Declining support to fulfil our Creator’s purpose is tragic and threatens mankind at all levels. Individually those who fail to live according to Christ’s teaching will miss fulfilment. No matter how hard they pursue selfish pleasures, they will find that they are empty in the end.
Family life and social stability are already breaking down. It has been alleged that as many as half of marriages in USA will end in divorce. Single parent families are increasing. In one inner city community in USA, seven out of ten children are born out of wedlock.
The decline in the stable family upbringing already results in problems in UK, such as binge drinking, drug dependence and crime to pay for drugs. These problems are all the result of lack of Christian values and self discipline which should be acquired at home.
Our civilisation was built on Christian values and morality. As these decline so will society as other manmade doctrines replace them.
The tragedy is that people have not rejected Christ’s teaching, but that too many churches have allowed it to be obscured by their own manmade deceptions.
The challenge for the future is for all Christians and their churches in particular, to return to Christ’s Teaching of God’s simple purpose.
It is the recipe for every individual of how to live with and love the rest of humanity. This is the fulfilment of His purpose for us.
Churches owe this to mankind and to God.
Change will not come from committees of clerics. A second Reformation, led by articulate tough-minded Christians is needed. Martin Luther, John Knox and John Wesley, did just that. They were condemned by the churches but Luther rebutted the accusations because he only preached Christ’s messages and opposed the manmade additions to worship by the churches.
These men of God identified the misleading deceptions of the churches and offered more real alternatives. This saved millions of Christians. They were all tough committed Christian heroes prepared to stand for what they believed was right.
Please come forward new Christian reformers for the twenty first century, mankind needs you.
The emperors need to be told that they have no clothes!
John Danckwerts
Phone Harare +263 4 575545
PS I have put a lot of effort in to these thoughts. Brickbats, criticism or comments by e-mail would be welcome.
Sadly only four out of about a dozen ministers to whom an earlier draft was sent have commented. One word “rubbish” would have done. JPD
Out Creator of our wonderful world sent Jesus to tell us how to live together. (Essay 1) This teaching has been the moral foundation of the development of our society for centuries. (Essay 2)
My faith survived about 50 years of regular worship in the Anglican Church in which I was brought up. (Essay 3) I then eventually found simple ministries concerned only with Christian living in daily life. They merely apply Christ’s Teaching and recognise the availability of help from the Holy Spirit to help those who pray. This has been a real and ultimate fulfilment of my faith. (Essay 4)
Since our Christian worship should be our primary aim in life, I am concerned that so many years of traditional church worship yielded so little. Formal church worship contains too many additions that distract attention from Christ’s Teaching. Consequently the majority in most western nations believe in God but the numbers who attend church worship are declining steadily. (Essay 6) The manmade distractions are now accepted in many aspects of church worship. (Essays 5,6, 7,9 and 10).
Our greatest tragedy and challenge is that this undermines the foundations of society at all levels, from personal to national.
What is needed is a return to Christ’s simple messages to individuals on how to live as taught in the Gospels. This is where we serve God and it is where preachers should concentrate their teaching.
The explosive advances in technology offer exciting advances in many fields for a brighter material future.
In contrast, the declining support for Christianity is tragic and ominous. It threatens our individual and national adherence to, and fulfilment of, our Creator’s purpose for us.
Modern populations. The increasing wealth of western society gives people independence and confidence. The explosion of telecommunications allows access to unlimited information worldwide.
Anyone who serves the public must now take account of how rapidly their needs and expectations are changing.
The businessmen who lead technology are independent, competitive entrepreneurs. Their motivation is to meet the changing needs of their customers. Their rewards are from beating their competitors in responding to change. They are flexible and dynamic.
The churches are dominated by large established organisations. Their power is held at the top. Their leaders choose replacements so they are self perpetuating and answerable only to themselves. They are conservative and are governed by their traditions, which evolved over centuries. Their reward is that they believe that theirs is the way to serve God.
Their dedication is unquestionable. However they are set apart from other organisations which change in response to the changing needs of society. This accounts for their falling support.
The major churches are central to the problem. A large majority of Christians profess membership of these churches. Increasingly many are merely nominal Christians. The support of even the active members of these churches is declining.
Christians should spare no effort to identify the causes and reverse this decline.
These deceptions, which more and more potential Christians cannot accept, are the cause of the decline. They are the manmade additions to teaching and worship which have been added to Christ’s Messages. (PART 2) He came to teach us how to live. He did not come to found religious denominations. These have been created by men since Christ and they are deceptions from His mission.
Exceptions are those who believe these deceptions, as I did for too many years, that this is how God should be worshipped. Many are Sunday Christians whose weekly worship is expected to secure forgiveness and salvation. They miss the fulfilment of Christ’s loving Messages for daily living.
The Old Testament is a major distraction which should not continue to be revered by Christian churches (Essay 9). Because it is included in the Bible it is revered as Holy Truth.
Revering the Old Testament is a major deception and a misleading distraction from the worship of Christ.
Conclusion The churches are losing support. This is tragic because it is not Christ’s Teaching that is rejected, but that it is obscured by the manmade deceptions which now predominate in church ministries. They must come down from their mountain to where the people are, and leave their baggage behind. They must discard the belief in their own holy power and in the sanctity of the traditions which govern church affairs.
The changes required, are to return to teaching how Christ’s Holy Messages are the guide to every individual every day. The Holy Spirit is available to help them achieve this.
Teaching Discarding the deceptions would allow churches to concentrate on their real task of teaching how Christ’s Messages are the foundation of Christian living.
Unlike technology, which is constantly changing, the underlying principles of Christ’s messages are timeless. However our lifestyles are now far more complex than those of His audiences 2000 years ago. His Messages need to be adapted to apply to all the wide variety of issues in our present lives.
In all situations Christians should be guided by the commandment to love their neighbours. This should be the basis of deciding what is right and wrong in all our many decisions.
We deal with people all the time, with family at home, with colleagues at work, with friends in our social life and with strangers when we drive or go shopping. This is where we serve God. Christians should be caring, tolerant and control their emotions. An appropriate guidance is to ”do unto others as you would have them do to you.”
Earning and spending is another major part of our lives. At work we can do the minimum necessary to keep out of trouble. Alternatively we can give our best to serve others, according to our talents.
We must then divide our incomes between spending on ourselves, saving for the future and giving to others in need. Everybody’s priorities are different, but we each have choices about what we believe would be God’s will on how we spend.
We also have civic choices, whether it is only in voting, or in decisions in public office. Christians should be guided by what is right for the community, and not what is popular or may bring personal rewards.
Recent examples of the faith and ultimate successes of other Christians are powerful examples to strengthen faith.
For example, Martin Luther King was an outstanding Christian. He had enormous successes over the years in a tense campaign opposing discrimination against blacks in USA. These included the right to ride in the same buses as whites, to full voting rights foe blacks.
As a committed Christian he insisted on non-violence. He even instructed his followers to follow Christ’s injunction to love their enemies, in this case their white opponents. They included brutal ruthless racists who tried to terrorise blacks through beatings and even murder. God helped this faithful Christian to succeed in doing what was right.
This example is laboured because this was a reality of Christian living today.
Even the lowliest Christian needs the faith and strength to choose what is right and uncomfortable. This is what churches should be teaching to help in life today and tomorrow.
These are examples of areas where Christians must make choices every day which are guided by Jesus. This is what churches should teach. The relevance and credibility of this teaching should satisfy the critical and discerning people of today.
Preaching. Customary sermons include the triumphs of prophets 3000 years ago, in a different society. They sound good but they are irrelevant to Christian living today. Instead there are innumerable examples of, triumphs through faith, of those who did what was right, regardless of the difficulty or dangers to themselves.
We all have to make choices between right and wrong, no matter how humble our own situations.
The Parables are vital which concern issues of daily living and should be applied to Christian choices today.
Our own faith can be strengthened by the innumerable examples of the faith and strength of other contemporary Christians.
Worship Christians gather to give thanks, to repent and to pray for help and strength to renew their faith. Worship and prayer should cover all the aspects of our complex Christian living where faith is needed.
The real help from the Holy Spirit, which is available to all the faithful, should be emphasised more often. Testimonies of successes or triumphs through faith of other contemporary Christians can also strengthen our own faith.
Preachers should report examples of God’s real help to faithful Christians who pray for it. He is here to help the faithful all the time.
Specialisation (Essay 7) working life is increasingly demanding, narrow and specialised. Workers depend more and more on sound reliable advice from others. As a farmer I depend heavily on a variety o f competent specialists, such as agronomists, entomologists and pathologists.
Churches should be the specialists in Christianity to provide reliable relevant teaching to their flocks.
This is not about esoteric issues of theology, but about issues of faith in every day contemporary Christian living. Teaching on these real issues of life will be a more demanding task for churchmen if they abandon their current irrelevant routines. They are the specialists that busy congregations depend on to equip them for their daily Christian living.
Church teaching at this level has therefore a real new responsibility to teach and sustain the faith of worshippers in their every day living.
Conclusion The challenge for Churches is to present Christ’s Teaching in forms which are meaningful to the changing lives of their members. Teaching should be comprehensive and credible if it is to meet all the needs of the Christians of today.
The faith of worshippers can be strengthened by examples of how contemporary Christians receive help from the Holy Spirit.
Churches have a vital responsibility to teach young children how Christ’s messages should be the guide to their lives. (Essay 8)
Later they become independent in a new exciting life. Our Creator gave a wonderful range of pleasures, but Christians should enjoy them with self-control. They need to be warned against self-indulgent excesses of drink, sex or drugs. These may appear to be exciting but they lead only to emptiness and even dependence.
Churches owe it to these newcomers to present these messages in credible teaching. I am unaware of the effectiveness of current efforts. I can only recall my own sterile introductions 60 years ago. (Essay 3)
Our Creator’s most momentous gift to mankind was sending Jesus to tell us His purpose for living in His wonderful world. This is the only time God lived with mankind and revealed His loving and forgiving nature. His power to heal and the help available from the Holy Spirit were also without precedent.
Declining support to fulfil our Creator’s purpose is tragic and threatens mankind at all levels. Individually those who fail to live according to Christ’s teaching will miss fulfilment. No matter how hard they pursue selfish pleasures, they will find that they are empty in the end.
Family life and social stability are already breaking down. It has been alleged that as many as half of marriages in USA will end in divorce. Single parent families are increasing. In one inner city community in USA, seven out of ten children are born out of wedlock.
The decline in the stable family upbringing already results in problems in UK, such as binge drinking, drug dependence and crime to pay for drugs. These problems are all the result of lack of Christian values and self discipline which should be acquired at home.
Our civilisation was built on Christian values and morality. As these decline so will society as other manmade doctrines replace them.
The tragedy is that people have not rejected Christ’s teaching, but that too many churches have allowed it to be obscured by their own manmade deceptions.
The challenge for the future is for all Christians and their churches in particular, to return to Christ’s Teaching of God’s simple purpose.
It is the recipe for every individual of how to live with and love the rest of humanity. This is the fulfilment of His purpose for us.
Churches owe this to mankind and to God.
Change will not come from committees of clerics. A second Reformation, led by articulate tough-minded Christians is needed. Martin Luther, John Knox and John Wesley, did just that. They were condemned by the churches but Luther rebutted the accusations because he only preached Christ’s messages and opposed the manmade additions to worship by the churches.
These men of God identified the misleading deceptions of the churches and offered more real alternatives. This saved millions of Christians. They were all tough committed Christian heroes prepared to stand for what they believed was right.
Please come forward new Christian reformers for the twenty first century, mankind needs you.
The emperors need to be told that they have no clothes!
John Danckwerts
Phone Harare +263 4 575545
PS I have put a lot of effort in to these thoughts. Brickbats, criticism or comments by e-mail would be welcome.
Sadly only four out of about a dozen ministers to whom an earlier draft was sent have commented. One word “rubbish” would have done. JPD
Essay 10 FEBRUARY 2008
Judaism was founded by Prophets who were undoubtedly great spiritual leaders. They also made over 40 prophesies of His coming from God as the Messiah to lead the Jewish people. These included His descent from David and His birth in Bethlehem.
There had not been a recognised Prophet of Judaism for 300 years. In Jesus’ time the scribes and Pharisees, had become a secular authority, which ruled the Jews in the name of God. They exerted their power over social behaviour through traditional law, in the names of Moses and other prophets.
When John the Baptist told of the coming of Jesus he was rejected and reviled.
They ignored Jesus Teaching because they were not looking for a spiritual leader from God. They wanted a powerful secular leader to free Israel from Rome and confirm their own temporal authority. They condemned Jesus for infringing their rules by healing on the Sabbath and mixing with sinners. They accused him of blasphemy, and eventually demanded His crucifixion.
He vehemently condemned them as hypocrites and their temples as white sepulchres. He accused them in several parables of serving themselves and not God.
Later they then threatened to expel any Jews from the synagogues who believed in Jesus’ Teaching. This was a serious threat in Jewish s0ciety.
Most Jews subsequently resisted conversion to Christianity. This notwithstanding that they had followed Jesus in great multitudes when He preached and did miracles.
Later, the teachings of the Apostles were vigorously opposed. They were strongly condemned for converting Gentiles who were not circumcised! The majority of converts of the Apostles, who founded Christianity, were ultimately Gentiles.
The Pharisees condemned his followers and stoned Apostle Stephen to death. They also plotted unsuccessfully to kill St. Paul.
The indoctrination of young Jews was so strong that it was retained by the Apostles who later included the Old Testament in the Bible. It is now revered in the same way as Christ’s teaching in the Gospels.
Conclusion The prophesies of the coming of the Messiah, were ignored by the leaders of the synagogues. They opposed Jesus but they did not challenge His spiritual messages. They sought only to invoke their law to protect their own secular authority.
The irony is that the Pharisees succeeded dramatically.
Most of the Jews were prevented from accepting the revelations of God brought by Jesus. More significantly, The Old Testament mow occupies seven times as much space as the Gospels in the Christian Bible. It is now revered by Christians, on the same terms as Jesus’ Teaching.
They had the last laugh.
Judaism was founded by Prophets who were undoubtedly great spiritual leaders. They also made over 40 prophesies of His coming from God as the Messiah to lead the Jewish people. These included His descent from David and His birth in Bethlehem.
There had not been a recognised Prophet of Judaism for 300 years. In Jesus’ time the scribes and Pharisees, had become a secular authority, which ruled the Jews in the name of God. They exerted their power over social behaviour through traditional law, in the names of Moses and other prophets.
When John the Baptist told of the coming of Jesus he was rejected and reviled.
They ignored Jesus Teaching because they were not looking for a spiritual leader from God. They wanted a powerful secular leader to free Israel from Rome and confirm their own temporal authority. They condemned Jesus for infringing their rules by healing on the Sabbath and mixing with sinners. They accused him of blasphemy, and eventually demanded His crucifixion.
He vehemently condemned them as hypocrites and their temples as white sepulchres. He accused them in several parables of serving themselves and not God.
Later they then threatened to expel any Jews from the synagogues who believed in Jesus’ Teaching. This was a serious threat in Jewish s0ciety.
Most Jews subsequently resisted conversion to Christianity. This notwithstanding that they had followed Jesus in great multitudes when He preached and did miracles.
Later, the teachings of the Apostles were vigorously opposed. They were strongly condemned for converting Gentiles who were not circumcised! The majority of converts of the Apostles, who founded Christianity, were ultimately Gentiles.
The Pharisees condemned his followers and stoned Apostle Stephen to death. They also plotted unsuccessfully to kill St. Paul.
The indoctrination of young Jews was so strong that it was retained by the Apostles who later included the Old Testament in the Bible. It is now revered in the same way as Christ’s teaching in the Gospels.
Conclusion The prophesies of the coming of the Messiah, were ignored by the leaders of the synagogues. They opposed Jesus but they did not challenge His spiritual messages. They sought only to invoke their law to protect their own secular authority.
The irony is that the Pharisees succeeded dramatically.
Most of the Jews were prevented from accepting the revelations of God brought by Jesus. More significantly, The Old Testament mow occupies seven times as much space as the Gospels in the Christian Bible. It is now revered by Christians, on the same terms as Jesus’ Teaching.
They had the last laugh.
Essay 9 FEBRUARY 2008
The Bible has been the foundation of Christianity for two millennia. However it has three parts, each with different messages.
THE GOSPELS are a little over 10% of the text. They report God’s purpose and teaching through Christ.
These are His sacred Messages to mankind and the foundation of Christianity.
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES are about 15% of the text, they recount the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Apostles. They received the gifts of foreign languages to enable them to teach far and wide. They had enormous strength and power to teach, convert and support the faith of the original Christians.
They, and their subsequent converts, had the courage to keep their faith to face persecution torture and even death. Churches spread under persecution for 300 years until Christianity was recognised by Rome.
This is the greatest ever intervention by God in human affairs.
The Holy Spirit is still available to any individual with faith, who asks for it.
The Acts also include letters from some of the Apostles to their new Christian communities, whose earlier beliefs were quite different from the revelations of God brought by Jesus. This teaching was a vital foundation of Christianity.
However most western societies have evolved as Christian for centuries since then. They have also changed considerably since the times of the Apostles. Individuals now are independent and well informed members of the Global Village. They deal with large numbers of others, including strangers. The Christian Teaching which they need should help then to live by Christ’s Teaching in their daily lives, (Essay 11). Quoting the teaching of the heroic Apostles distracts attention from the issues facing Christians today.
Finally the book of Revelations was reportedly written about 50 years after Christ. It contains prophecies about the end of the world, preceded by great disasters and the emergence from the sea of a seven headed monster. These prophecies are from the imagination of John of Patmos. Surely Christians should not revere this just because it was included in the Bible.
IN CONCLUSION the Acts of the Apostles report the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in guiding and strengthening faithful Christians. This should still be emphasised today. Their teaching however concerns issues that were long ago and faraway and may be less relevant to Christian living now.
THE OLD TESTAMENT amounts to over 70% of the Bible. It reports the very real and remarkable intervention of their God Jehovah in leading and protecting the Jewish nation in a hostile world over centuries.
It records the beliefs and scriptures of pre-Christian worshippers of God.
The Prophets certainly had God’s help and inspiration for their leadership and prophecy.
God had not yet revealed Himself through Jesus. Their religion therefore originated from their own human beliefs and imaginations.
These pre-Christian scriptures of Judaism were included in the Bible by the Apostles who wrote the Gospels. Although they spread Jesus Teaching and founded Christianity, they still retained the beliefs from their strict upbringing of Judaism. The problem is that the faith and values of Judaism were the earlier beliefs in God, which He sent Jesus to replace. Yet their scriptures are now included in the Bible and regarded as equal to Jesus’ Teaching.
The doctrines and beliefs of Judaism differ fundamentally in many ways from the divine Messages brought by Jesus.
God was revealed as a loving and forgiving Father who cared for every individual. He is served, not by praise and glorification but by loving service to our fellow man. (The parable of the sheep and the goats is a critical statement that makes this clear.)
His love and forgiveness was so great that He rejoiced when sinners repented and turned to Him in repentance. (The Prodigal Son) This brought a new dimension of God’s love for man.
Jesus came to save sinners.
The 10 commandments were a negative declaration of what was not acceptable to God. He was portrayed as a harsh judge, on a throne, who would condemn sinners to hell.
The Pharisees even believed they themselves were justified to kill Jews who preached other beliefs than Judaism. After crucifying Jesus, they stoned the apostle Stephen to death, and plotted, unsuccessfully to kill Paul. The Pharisees claimed the power to stone sinners, such as adulteresses, to death, in the name of God.
This is a quite different concept of an authoritarian God who conferred the power to punish sinners on his priests.
SPIRITUAL BELIRFS Jesus revealed God’s purpose that men should love each other and that He cared for every individual.
He showed God’s power with many miracles of healing and even raising the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate miracle.
This is Divine and simple.
His power was also shown by His inspiration of the Apostles to found Christianity.
All this is clear evidence of God’s purpose and power.
Jehovah was seen, in human terms, as their powerful Lord. He was an omnipotent protector who spoke to the whole nation through prophets. Judaism was exclusive to Jews and there was no call to spread their teaching to the Gentiles who were regarded as outside Jehovah’s concern.
Protection on earth was not promised by Jesus. He even warned the Apostles that they would be persecuted, tortured and even put to death for preaching in His name.
He did not promise protection from setbacks or disasters, but rather help when they occurred. He said instead “come unto me all those who travail and are heavy laden and I will refresh you”.
In contrast, the psalms, which are certainly beautiful literature, promise protection and prosperity to the faithful.
Jehovah was also supposed to be propitiated by sacrifices. Abraham was even prepared to sacrifice his own son when he believed that was what God wanted.
Jesus angrily rebuked those who sold animals for sacrifice in the Temple.
Judaism included a variety of spiritual beliefs of the worshippers pf Jehovah.
The spirits of the Prophets were worshipped and believed to still have power over worshippers.
Their descriptions of the spiritual world originated mainly through men’s imagination. For instance, both Isaiah and Ezekiel told how God’s favourite angel, Lucifer, revolted and descended from heaven to become Satan in hell.
These beliefs in spiritual forces, conceived by men were accepted as holy truth.
Preaching by Jesus was informal teaching without rituals and ceremony. He did teach sometimes in the synagogues where people naturally came to worship. Other times out in the country when large crowds gathered to hear him. He did not follow any rituals in his preaching but merely taught how to live to fulfil God’s will.
He promised that when even two or three gathered in His name God would hear them and give help through The Holy Spirit. They did not need to pray through senior religious leaders, but direct to God.
Judaism revered the Prophets as the Holy men of God. Their beliefs and deeds were recorded as scriptures.
Worship centred in The Temple supported by local synagogues.
Great crowds were gathered to celebrate feasts, such as the Passover. Scribes and Pharisees had authority, as representatives of Jehovah, and led the worship. They were confident in their own righteousness and they condemned those they regarded as sinners e.g. publicans and tax collectors.
The differences between the two doctrines are fundamental, particularly as to God’s purpose for mankind and how He should be served and worshipped.
Examples of how Church worship is distracted by carrying forward this outdated doctrine are considered below.
Many many preachers exhort their listeners to study the Holy Bible as the word of Truth. Any quotation from the Old Testament can therefore be justified as Holy Truth “because it is in the Bible”. This can result in misleading sermons and conclusions.
For instance, the discrimination against Blacks in the apartheid era was justified by a quote that they should be hewers of wood and drawers of water. This may be justified in terms of an Old Testament text but it is contrary to Christianity. Yet it was used, as a quote from the Holy Bible, to justify a heinous policy.
This is one of many examples from the Old Testament that mislead people about Christian Truth.
Jesus preached how we should live and not where we came from.
The Old Testament describes creation in seven days starting with Adam and Eve. The fall to temptation, as the Original Sin of man, is described. Man was created in the image of God.
This account of our origins is now considered to be a vital cornerstone for many Christians.
Some, including an elder of a church, vehemently condemn the explanations of archaeologists, geologists and Darwinian natural selection. They are alleged to be part of a conspiracy of scientists to deny the existence of God! This is preposterous, they do no such thing. They only suggest that our Creator may have directed the process of evolution.
A friend queried this biblical account of creation by an invited speaker in church. He was berated by the priest and told that if he did not believe this he was not a Christian! This illustrates how reverence for the Old Testament has perverted some preachers.
It was particularly sad because my friend only recently acquired faith and was seeking a church to help him to fulfil it.
The issue has also led to many bitter and irrelevant disputes in USA.
Our origins are not relevant. Christians should be concerned with Christ’s Message for living today and tomorrow and God’s power here and now.
Praise, in the form of glorification and adulation, is often seen as the route to salvation. Even the alter, in established churches, is a legacy from the Jewish temple
These formalised services contrast to Christ’s simple preaching of how we should live and worship. God promised to be anywhere even where only two or three gathered in His name.
The Old Testament includes many stories, from Adam and Eve through all the triumphs of the prophets. These all provide a wealth of subjects for sermons, which are considered to be holy. As an example, a preacher on TV proudly announced that her sermon was based on the numerous references to trumpets in the Bible. Surely this contributes nothing at all to Christ’s Teaching of how we should live. Yet such deceptions are accepted, because they are drawn from the Bible.
Another topic is the negative morality of Judaism, explicit in the 10 commandments. Damnation was promised to those who were judged to be sinful. They are obvious and popular subjects for sermons.
It sounds good, but God sent Jesus to replace them with only two positive commandments. The second commandment is positive and goes much further than the last nine. Anybody who obeys it will not infringe those nine but will do much more. Furthermore a positive dimension of God loving and forgiving all mankind was added. This new Message should replace the old beliefs of Judaism.
The Psalms, as already noted, are beautiful literature. They sound great as the subject for sermons. But their message is how Jehovah would protect the faithful and reward them with prosperity, is part of old beliefs. It is not what Jesus taught.
I question whether these examples of those in quite different societies, with a different religion, over 2000 years ago have much to teach to modern Christian congregations. Their faith needs to guide them in all their daily dealings with people at work, in their communities and at home. That is where they live their Christian lives.
The heroism of the Prophets is frequently cited in sermons. There are numerous examples of their faith and courage. They receive attention of preachers because their exploits are in the Bible. However they lived in quite a different society thousands of years ago.
Surely, more real today, are the many contemporary Christian heroes who triumph through faith in Christ. For instance, a deeply religious American medic in the Pacific war. He refused to carry arms but always carried his Bible. He was oblivious to danger when he rescued the wounded under fire.
He was eventually awarded a high military honour by the US President. His valour and success was due to his strong Christian faith.
Many examples of contemporary faith and courage are equally inspiring. Their faith and courage in every day life is more real and should be recognised more frequently, even though they are not in the Bible.
Christ promised a loving and forgiving attitude to our sins.
Judaism proclaims harsh condemnation to hell for sinners, and an authoritarian God who was served out of fear. This is quite a different morality. These threats of damnation and hell survive among too many preachers of the Fire and Brimstone Brigade today. They are merely misleading relics of pre-Christian Judaism.
I have close knowledge of a person, brought up as a Christian, and still attending church regularly. Her beliefs are mainly of good and evil. Her acquaintances who are judged to be evil are condemned. They are considered to be beyond the pale and treated accordingly.
The importance of forgiveness, tolerance and loving your enemy seems to have been missed in her early religious instruction.
It is not farfetched to assert that her life is less than it should have been as a result of instruction based on the values of intolerant Judaism early in her Christian upbringing.
CONCLUSION Jesus warned of those who would come in His name and deceive many. Surely there can be no greater or more destructive deceptions than including the pre-Christian teachings of Judaism with God’s Messages through Christ. This is not Christianity, but is a destructive deception, which Jesus warned against. Including it with His teaching by the churches, betrays the purpose for which Hw gave His life. Christians still suffer from these pre Christian distractions as a result.
The sanctity of the Old Testament has been accepted for many centuries. To dispute its sanctity in Christianity will appear to be shocking. Yet no matter how long it has been revered, it can be disputed that it contributes to Christ’s purpose. This is what He came to replace.
GALILIO had a similar problem. He declared the unthinkable, that the earth was not flat but round. He was ridiculed, threatened and even persecuted by the church. Everyone, from the Pope down, could see that it was flat. Mankind had ”known” this for all time.
The Old Testament is equally uncritically accepted as Holy Truth, after all it is in the Bible.
Instead remember Nicodemus, he was a scholar of Judaism, a senior Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, their ruling council. When he wanted to follow Jesus, he came at night, to avoid condemnation. He was told that he would have to be born again. This meant he had to replace his old beliefs of Judaism with the completely new revelations of God brought by Jesus. Christians should do the same.
The survival of these roots in many churches aptly accounts for their description as Judao-Christianity.
As a Christian, my faith does not include these distractions of pre-Christian Judaism. Why should it? I believe only in Christ’s Messages and God’s power through the Holy Spirit.
CONCLUSION The inclusion of the Old Testament in the Bible has sanctified many pre-Christian teachings of Judaism. These can obscure the real simple Messages, which Jesus gave his life to bring to us. Anyone who believes only in Christ is still a Christian. Perhaps he can even see the Truth more clearly?
Many many preachers and ministries urge Christians to read their Bibles. Certainly a thorough knowledge of the Gospels is vital to understand Christ’s Messages of how Christians should live. However the Gospels only account for about 10% of the text.
The Acts are evidence of God’s vital power to help the faithful through the Holy Spirit.
The remainder is not essential to the daily choices of Christian living.
Reading the large proportion of information in the rest of the Bible may confuse Christians on the many issues they face in their everyday lives. It will introduce other issues and distract their focus from Christ’s Teaching on how to live according to God’s purpose, which He brought for us. If Christians are to live by that purpose they should worship His Teaching in the Gospels, and not the Whole Bible.
The Bible has been the foundation of Christianity for two millennia. However it has three parts, each with different messages.
THE GOSPELS are a little over 10% of the text. They report God’s purpose and teaching through Christ.
These are His sacred Messages to mankind and the foundation of Christianity.
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES are about 15% of the text, they recount the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Apostles. They received the gifts of foreign languages to enable them to teach far and wide. They had enormous strength and power to teach, convert and support the faith of the original Christians.
They, and their subsequent converts, had the courage to keep their faith to face persecution torture and even death. Churches spread under persecution for 300 years until Christianity was recognised by Rome.
This is the greatest ever intervention by God in human affairs.
The Holy Spirit is still available to any individual with faith, who asks for it.
The Acts also include letters from some of the Apostles to their new Christian communities, whose earlier beliefs were quite different from the revelations of God brought by Jesus. This teaching was a vital foundation of Christianity.
However most western societies have evolved as Christian for centuries since then. They have also changed considerably since the times of the Apostles. Individuals now are independent and well informed members of the Global Village. They deal with large numbers of others, including strangers. The Christian Teaching which they need should help then to live by Christ’s Teaching in their daily lives, (Essay 11). Quoting the teaching of the heroic Apostles distracts attention from the issues facing Christians today.
Finally the book of Revelations was reportedly written about 50 years after Christ. It contains prophecies about the end of the world, preceded by great disasters and the emergence from the sea of a seven headed monster. These prophecies are from the imagination of John of Patmos. Surely Christians should not revere this just because it was included in the Bible.
IN CONCLUSION the Acts of the Apostles report the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in guiding and strengthening faithful Christians. This should still be emphasised today. Their teaching however concerns issues that were long ago and faraway and may be less relevant to Christian living now.
THE OLD TESTAMENT amounts to over 70% of the Bible. It reports the very real and remarkable intervention of their God Jehovah in leading and protecting the Jewish nation in a hostile world over centuries.
It records the beliefs and scriptures of pre-Christian worshippers of God.
The Prophets certainly had God’s help and inspiration for their leadership and prophecy.
God had not yet revealed Himself through Jesus. Their religion therefore originated from their own human beliefs and imaginations.
These pre-Christian scriptures of Judaism were included in the Bible by the Apostles who wrote the Gospels. Although they spread Jesus Teaching and founded Christianity, they still retained the beliefs from their strict upbringing of Judaism. The problem is that the faith and values of Judaism were the earlier beliefs in God, which He sent Jesus to replace. Yet their scriptures are now included in the Bible and regarded as equal to Jesus’ Teaching.
The doctrines and beliefs of Judaism differ fundamentally in many ways from the divine Messages brought by Jesus.
God was revealed as a loving and forgiving Father who cared for every individual. He is served, not by praise and glorification but by loving service to our fellow man. (The parable of the sheep and the goats is a critical statement that makes this clear.)
His love and forgiveness was so great that He rejoiced when sinners repented and turned to Him in repentance. (The Prodigal Son) This brought a new dimension of God’s love for man.
Jesus came to save sinners.
The 10 commandments were a negative declaration of what was not acceptable to God. He was portrayed as a harsh judge, on a throne, who would condemn sinners to hell.
The Pharisees even believed they themselves were justified to kill Jews who preached other beliefs than Judaism. After crucifying Jesus, they stoned the apostle Stephen to death, and plotted, unsuccessfully to kill Paul. The Pharisees claimed the power to stone sinners, such as adulteresses, to death, in the name of God.
This is a quite different concept of an authoritarian God who conferred the power to punish sinners on his priests.
SPIRITUAL BELIRFS Jesus revealed God’s purpose that men should love each other and that He cared for every individual.
He showed God’s power with many miracles of healing and even raising the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate miracle.
This is Divine and simple.
His power was also shown by His inspiration of the Apostles to found Christianity.
All this is clear evidence of God’s purpose and power.
Jehovah was seen, in human terms, as their powerful Lord. He was an omnipotent protector who spoke to the whole nation through prophets. Judaism was exclusive to Jews and there was no call to spread their teaching to the Gentiles who were regarded as outside Jehovah’s concern.
Protection on earth was not promised by Jesus. He even warned the Apostles that they would be persecuted, tortured and even put to death for preaching in His name.
He did not promise protection from setbacks or disasters, but rather help when they occurred. He said instead “come unto me all those who travail and are heavy laden and I will refresh you”.
In contrast, the psalms, which are certainly beautiful literature, promise protection and prosperity to the faithful.
Jehovah was also supposed to be propitiated by sacrifices. Abraham was even prepared to sacrifice his own son when he believed that was what God wanted.
Jesus angrily rebuked those who sold animals for sacrifice in the Temple.
Judaism included a variety of spiritual beliefs of the worshippers pf Jehovah.
The spirits of the Prophets were worshipped and believed to still have power over worshippers.
Their descriptions of the spiritual world originated mainly through men’s imagination. For instance, both Isaiah and Ezekiel told how God’s favourite angel, Lucifer, revolted and descended from heaven to become Satan in hell.
These beliefs in spiritual forces, conceived by men were accepted as holy truth.
Preaching by Jesus was informal teaching without rituals and ceremony. He did teach sometimes in the synagogues where people naturally came to worship. Other times out in the country when large crowds gathered to hear him. He did not follow any rituals in his preaching but merely taught how to live to fulfil God’s will.
He promised that when even two or three gathered in His name God would hear them and give help through The Holy Spirit. They did not need to pray through senior religious leaders, but direct to God.
Judaism revered the Prophets as the Holy men of God. Their beliefs and deeds were recorded as scriptures.
Worship centred in The Temple supported by local synagogues.
Great crowds were gathered to celebrate feasts, such as the Passover. Scribes and Pharisees had authority, as representatives of Jehovah, and led the worship. They were confident in their own righteousness and they condemned those they regarded as sinners e.g. publicans and tax collectors.
The differences between the two doctrines are fundamental, particularly as to God’s purpose for mankind and how He should be served and worshipped.
Examples of how Church worship is distracted by carrying forward this outdated doctrine are considered below.
Many many preachers exhort their listeners to study the Holy Bible as the word of Truth. Any quotation from the Old Testament can therefore be justified as Holy Truth “because it is in the Bible”. This can result in misleading sermons and conclusions.
For instance, the discrimination against Blacks in the apartheid era was justified by a quote that they should be hewers of wood and drawers of water. This may be justified in terms of an Old Testament text but it is contrary to Christianity. Yet it was used, as a quote from the Holy Bible, to justify a heinous policy.
This is one of many examples from the Old Testament that mislead people about Christian Truth.
Jesus preached how we should live and not where we came from.
The Old Testament describes creation in seven days starting with Adam and Eve. The fall to temptation, as the Original Sin of man, is described. Man was created in the image of God.
This account of our origins is now considered to be a vital cornerstone for many Christians.
Some, including an elder of a church, vehemently condemn the explanations of archaeologists, geologists and Darwinian natural selection. They are alleged to be part of a conspiracy of scientists to deny the existence of God! This is preposterous, they do no such thing. They only suggest that our Creator may have directed the process of evolution.
A friend queried this biblical account of creation by an invited speaker in church. He was berated by the priest and told that if he did not believe this he was not a Christian! This illustrates how reverence for the Old Testament has perverted some preachers.
It was particularly sad because my friend only recently acquired faith and was seeking a church to help him to fulfil it.
The issue has also led to many bitter and irrelevant disputes in USA.
Our origins are not relevant. Christians should be concerned with Christ’s Message for living today and tomorrow and God’s power here and now.
Praise, in the form of glorification and adulation, is often seen as the route to salvation. Even the alter, in established churches, is a legacy from the Jewish temple
These formalised services contrast to Christ’s simple preaching of how we should live and worship. God promised to be anywhere even where only two or three gathered in His name.
The Old Testament includes many stories, from Adam and Eve through all the triumphs of the prophets. These all provide a wealth of subjects for sermons, which are considered to be holy. As an example, a preacher on TV proudly announced that her sermon was based on the numerous references to trumpets in the Bible. Surely this contributes nothing at all to Christ’s Teaching of how we should live. Yet such deceptions are accepted, because they are drawn from the Bible.
Another topic is the negative morality of Judaism, explicit in the 10 commandments. Damnation was promised to those who were judged to be sinful. They are obvious and popular subjects for sermons.
It sounds good, but God sent Jesus to replace them with only two positive commandments. The second commandment is positive and goes much further than the last nine. Anybody who obeys it will not infringe those nine but will do much more. Furthermore a positive dimension of God loving and forgiving all mankind was added. This new Message should replace the old beliefs of Judaism.
The Psalms, as already noted, are beautiful literature. They sound great as the subject for sermons. But their message is how Jehovah would protect the faithful and reward them with prosperity, is part of old beliefs. It is not what Jesus taught.
I question whether these examples of those in quite different societies, with a different religion, over 2000 years ago have much to teach to modern Christian congregations. Their faith needs to guide them in all their daily dealings with people at work, in their communities and at home. That is where they live their Christian lives.
The heroism of the Prophets is frequently cited in sermons. There are numerous examples of their faith and courage. They receive attention of preachers because their exploits are in the Bible. However they lived in quite a different society thousands of years ago.
Surely, more real today, are the many contemporary Christian heroes who triumph through faith in Christ. For instance, a deeply religious American medic in the Pacific war. He refused to carry arms but always carried his Bible. He was oblivious to danger when he rescued the wounded under fire.
He was eventually awarded a high military honour by the US President. His valour and success was due to his strong Christian faith.
Many examples of contemporary faith and courage are equally inspiring. Their faith and courage in every day life is more real and should be recognised more frequently, even though they are not in the Bible.
Christ promised a loving and forgiving attitude to our sins.
Judaism proclaims harsh condemnation to hell for sinners, and an authoritarian God who was served out of fear. This is quite a different morality. These threats of damnation and hell survive among too many preachers of the Fire and Brimstone Brigade today. They are merely misleading relics of pre-Christian Judaism.
I have close knowledge of a person, brought up as a Christian, and still attending church regularly. Her beliefs are mainly of good and evil. Her acquaintances who are judged to be evil are condemned. They are considered to be beyond the pale and treated accordingly.
The importance of forgiveness, tolerance and loving your enemy seems to have been missed in her early religious instruction.
It is not farfetched to assert that her life is less than it should have been as a result of instruction based on the values of intolerant Judaism early in her Christian upbringing.
CONCLUSION Jesus warned of those who would come in His name and deceive many. Surely there can be no greater or more destructive deceptions than including the pre-Christian teachings of Judaism with God’s Messages through Christ. This is not Christianity, but is a destructive deception, which Jesus warned against. Including it with His teaching by the churches, betrays the purpose for which Hw gave His life. Christians still suffer from these pre Christian distractions as a result.
The sanctity of the Old Testament has been accepted for many centuries. To dispute its sanctity in Christianity will appear to be shocking. Yet no matter how long it has been revered, it can be disputed that it contributes to Christ’s purpose. This is what He came to replace.
GALILIO had a similar problem. He declared the unthinkable, that the earth was not flat but round. He was ridiculed, threatened and even persecuted by the church. Everyone, from the Pope down, could see that it was flat. Mankind had ”known” this for all time.
The Old Testament is equally uncritically accepted as Holy Truth, after all it is in the Bible.
Instead remember Nicodemus, he was a scholar of Judaism, a senior Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, their ruling council. When he wanted to follow Jesus, he came at night, to avoid condemnation. He was told that he would have to be born again. This meant he had to replace his old beliefs of Judaism with the completely new revelations of God brought by Jesus. Christians should do the same.
The survival of these roots in many churches aptly accounts for their description as Judao-Christianity.
As a Christian, my faith does not include these distractions of pre-Christian Judaism. Why should it? I believe only in Christ’s Messages and God’s power through the Holy Spirit.
CONCLUSION The inclusion of the Old Testament in the Bible has sanctified many pre-Christian teachings of Judaism. These can obscure the real simple Messages, which Jesus gave his life to bring to us. Anyone who believes only in Christ is still a Christian. Perhaps he can even see the Truth more clearly?
Many many preachers and ministries urge Christians to read their Bibles. Certainly a thorough knowledge of the Gospels is vital to understand Christ’s Messages of how Christians should live. However the Gospels only account for about 10% of the text.
The Acts are evidence of God’s vital power to help the faithful through the Holy Spirit.
The remainder is not essential to the daily choices of Christian living.
Reading the large proportion of information in the rest of the Bible may confuse Christians on the many issues they face in their everyday lives. It will introduce other issues and distract their focus from Christ’s Teaching on how to live according to God’s purpose, which He brought for us. If Christians are to live by that purpose they should worship His Teaching in the Gospels, and not the Whole Bible.
ESSAY 7 March 2008
Church teaching is vital to existing congregations and to those who find faith and seek a place to worship. It should equip Christians to enjoy the wonderful pleasures that life offers.
Many forms of our pleasures demand effort and dedication, but this should not exclude the Christian duties of concern for others. They should not become exclusive ends in themselves.
There have many testimonies from people who had achieved great worldly success, which they ultimately found to be empty. They only found fulfilment when they turned to God.
Many have found emptiness from excesses in pursuit of worldly pleasures. Some were in a mess from excesses of sex, drink or drugs. Fulfilment and redemption only came whether they found Faith.
The vital lesson is that God forgives past sins, no matter how wicked. His help is available to all who repent and pray for it.
Non-Believers who lack the restraints of faith are controlled only by the norms of their society. Some are constrained only by the eleventh commandment “thou shalt not be found out”.
They aim is for to self-gratification, such as, materialism, excessive alcohol, sex or dependence on hard drugs. They will not be satisfied but always want more. Fun to start with, but ultimately empty.
They will tend be self-centred, indifferent to their neighbours and hostile to their perceived enemies. They will find that their lives are eventually unfulfilled and alone. They can’t take their pleasures with them. Christians should be warned of these dangers.
The established churches have a vital responsibility of teaching Christianity to the young who customarily seek membership. It is vital that this teaching is effective in providing the foundation of lasting faith in these young recruits. Churches only instruct some children. (My father-in-law never went to church but sent the children to Sunday school every week.)
Later many attend classes for confirmation these are opportunities with captive audiences. It is vital that their message is well presented. Teaching must be simple and relevant if they are to provide lasting faith. The young need the faith to guide the rest of their lives. Above all they must know that their loving God cares for each of them no matter how humble their position. His help is available to all those who pray.
The future support if churches depends on teaching them Christ’s Messages and giving faith to the young.
The established churches have a unique responsibility. They have large numbers of nominal members most of their children go to churches for confirmation.
When they leave the confines of school and home, young people have a new freedom and are their own masters. They become part of their age group. Some rebel against social norms to assert their new independence.
Like most societies, their groups tend to be hierarchical, with individuals rated according the criteria of these societies.
The most important lesson for young Christians is that God created everybody with different talents and abilities. Regardless of how they are rated by their peers, what is vital is that they live according to God’s Teaching of what is right and wrong. This is a vital lesson to avoid pressure to behaving according to the values of the others in their group to gain their approval.
They have a wide variety of choices of how they live. The Internet opens the door to the rest of the world. They need strength through Christian faith and a clear knowledge of right and wrong.
If they can achieve this, they can have an exciting and joyful life. Christianity is not a killjoy message. This should be a fun time. Faith must be real and become a basis of their exciting lives. They should be warned of the real dangers of lack of restraint and self-indulgence. There is a slippery road to hell on earth. Tragedies occur from dependence on self-gratification starting with alcohol and sinking through soft to hard drugs. Addiction to the latter can lead to utter dependence on regular doses. This in turn leads to crime to pay for them, regardless of the pain caused to others. This is contrary to Jesus’ teaching but it also leads to destruction and misery in their own lives.
Young Christians should be clearly warned of these real dangers.
As already noted, there is a gap between clergy and laymen. The generation gap is even wider. Churches need to learn to tailor their teaching to bridge this gap.
CONCLUSION Perhaps falling support for churches now is partly due to inadequate teaching years ago. This must not continue, they have a vital responsibility to give young Christians the faith they need as the anchor of their lives.
Everyone was born as a result of lovemaking. Yet sex is almost unmentionable, though it is very real. There is another world out there after dark.
Illicit sex, outside marriage, is too common and can be one of the great temptations. Prostitution has been widespread since time immemorial and still is. Brothels in Germany geared up for the influx of the recent World Cup soccer fans!
Sex ought to be a sacred and a private giving part of our lives. The ecstasy of making love, though transient, has been the greatest physical pleasure in my life and the greatest temptation.
Surely it is among God’s greatest gifts, when shared by couples dedicated to caring for each other for life.
That should be taught to young Christians. Otherwise they are likely to get a very different message from their peers at a time when they are most vulnerable.
A major church, with celibate clergy, forbids birth control. Yet in a world of low child mortality and population pressures, many couples sensibly decide to limit their children. They should not be denied this precious gift of their shared lives.
This doctrine has led to excessive population growth and poverty in some societies where powerful churches can enforce it. This has led to deprivation and hardship. I cannot believe this serves our Creator’s purpose. Birth control no longer means that the result of the ecstasies of care between two loving mates should be children.
CELIBACY is prescribed for priests in the Catholic Church. However they are human, some ministers are not so strong. There have been sad accounts of major failures in their behaviour in South Africa, Ireland and USA, where $2billion have been paid to victims since 1950
Is this imposed celibacy really necessary for those who serve Jesus?
Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm. Happily I do not understand it and have not had to cope with it in my life.
It is puzzling because, if the causes were genetic, it would have died out. However it is a real part of society.
Members of the same sex are emotionally attracted to each other and prepared to share their lives together. This seems to be how they were created, can it be their fault?
It is widely condemned, but, if that is the way the Creator made them, they must answer to Him. It is not for us to judge.
They can only be answerable to God for this. The physical aspects of these relationships are between them and God. Thankfully I understand them not.
I believe this, however, if I had felt the same powerful love and attraction for another man that I felt for my wife when we fell in love I too would now be pariah.
CONCLUSION Sex is a very real part of life. But everyone is different. It should be sacred and beautiful but can be evil and selfish. Christians should be taught these realities.
A vital role of churches is teaching of Christian messages updated to everyday life.
They should ensure that their teaching of new Christians will equip them with the faith they will need in the rest of their lives. On all issues they must be realistic and credible if they are to be accepted. The effectiveness of these teachings will affect support for churches in the future.
SUMMARY – Essays 5,6,7 & 8
Most Christians are not evangelists or theologians, they are specialists in an increasingly competitive and demanding world. This is where Christians serve God in all their varied dealings with other people. The churches should be leading them to this Christian living.
The simple Truth of Jesus’ Messages does not change. Church ministries should update all the lessons from the Gospels to help Christians live in their more complicated world today.
They should also provide contemporary examples of the availability of the Holy Spirit to help anyone with the faith to pray for it. There are also many verifiable reports of healing through faith in God.
Worship should merely be gathering for clergy to lead and reinforce the faith Christians as Jesus promised.
The deceptions, which Christ warned against, are the manmade additions to church worship identified at length in the essays above. Sadly many Christians revere the churches and their deceptions and believe that this is how God should be worshipped. However their numbers are declining.
Churches should return to their vital role of leading their flocks to live according to Christ’s Teaching.
Church teaching is vital to existing congregations and to those who find faith and seek a place to worship. It should equip Christians to enjoy the wonderful pleasures that life offers.
Many forms of our pleasures demand effort and dedication, but this should not exclude the Christian duties of concern for others. They should not become exclusive ends in themselves.
There have many testimonies from people who had achieved great worldly success, which they ultimately found to be empty. They only found fulfilment when they turned to God.
Many have found emptiness from excesses in pursuit of worldly pleasures. Some were in a mess from excesses of sex, drink or drugs. Fulfilment and redemption only came whether they found Faith.
The vital lesson is that God forgives past sins, no matter how wicked. His help is available to all who repent and pray for it.
Non-Believers who lack the restraints of faith are controlled only by the norms of their society. Some are constrained only by the eleventh commandment “thou shalt not be found out”.
They aim is for to self-gratification, such as, materialism, excessive alcohol, sex or dependence on hard drugs. They will not be satisfied but always want more. Fun to start with, but ultimately empty.
They will tend be self-centred, indifferent to their neighbours and hostile to their perceived enemies. They will find that their lives are eventually unfulfilled and alone. They can’t take their pleasures with them. Christians should be warned of these dangers.
The established churches have a vital responsibility of teaching Christianity to the young who customarily seek membership. It is vital that this teaching is effective in providing the foundation of lasting faith in these young recruits. Churches only instruct some children. (My father-in-law never went to church but sent the children to Sunday school every week.)
Later many attend classes for confirmation these are opportunities with captive audiences. It is vital that their message is well presented. Teaching must be simple and relevant if they are to provide lasting faith. The young need the faith to guide the rest of their lives. Above all they must know that their loving God cares for each of them no matter how humble their position. His help is available to all those who pray.
The future support if churches depends on teaching them Christ’s Messages and giving faith to the young.
The established churches have a unique responsibility. They have large numbers of nominal members most of their children go to churches for confirmation.
When they leave the confines of school and home, young people have a new freedom and are their own masters. They become part of their age group. Some rebel against social norms to assert their new independence.
Like most societies, their groups tend to be hierarchical, with individuals rated according the criteria of these societies.
The most important lesson for young Christians is that God created everybody with different talents and abilities. Regardless of how they are rated by their peers, what is vital is that they live according to God’s Teaching of what is right and wrong. This is a vital lesson to avoid pressure to behaving according to the values of the others in their group to gain their approval.
They have a wide variety of choices of how they live. The Internet opens the door to the rest of the world. They need strength through Christian faith and a clear knowledge of right and wrong.
If they can achieve this, they can have an exciting and joyful life. Christianity is not a killjoy message. This should be a fun time. Faith must be real and become a basis of their exciting lives. They should be warned of the real dangers of lack of restraint and self-indulgence. There is a slippery road to hell on earth. Tragedies occur from dependence on self-gratification starting with alcohol and sinking through soft to hard drugs. Addiction to the latter can lead to utter dependence on regular doses. This in turn leads to crime to pay for them, regardless of the pain caused to others. This is contrary to Jesus’ teaching but it also leads to destruction and misery in their own lives.
Young Christians should be clearly warned of these real dangers.
As already noted, there is a gap between clergy and laymen. The generation gap is even wider. Churches need to learn to tailor their teaching to bridge this gap.
CONCLUSION Perhaps falling support for churches now is partly due to inadequate teaching years ago. This must not continue, they have a vital responsibility to give young Christians the faith they need as the anchor of their lives.
Everyone was born as a result of lovemaking. Yet sex is almost unmentionable, though it is very real. There is another world out there after dark.
Illicit sex, outside marriage, is too common and can be one of the great temptations. Prostitution has been widespread since time immemorial and still is. Brothels in Germany geared up for the influx of the recent World Cup soccer fans!
Sex ought to be a sacred and a private giving part of our lives. The ecstasy of making love, though transient, has been the greatest physical pleasure in my life and the greatest temptation.
Surely it is among God’s greatest gifts, when shared by couples dedicated to caring for each other for life.
That should be taught to young Christians. Otherwise they are likely to get a very different message from their peers at a time when they are most vulnerable.
A major church, with celibate clergy, forbids birth control. Yet in a world of low child mortality and population pressures, many couples sensibly decide to limit their children. They should not be denied this precious gift of their shared lives.
This doctrine has led to excessive population growth and poverty in some societies where powerful churches can enforce it. This has led to deprivation and hardship. I cannot believe this serves our Creator’s purpose. Birth control no longer means that the result of the ecstasies of care between two loving mates should be children.
CELIBACY is prescribed for priests in the Catholic Church. However they are human, some ministers are not so strong. There have been sad accounts of major failures in their behaviour in South Africa, Ireland and USA, where $2billion have been paid to victims since 1950
Is this imposed celibacy really necessary for those who serve Jesus?
Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm. Happily I do not understand it and have not had to cope with it in my life.
It is puzzling because, if the causes were genetic, it would have died out. However it is a real part of society.
Members of the same sex are emotionally attracted to each other and prepared to share their lives together. This seems to be how they were created, can it be their fault?
It is widely condemned, but, if that is the way the Creator made them, they must answer to Him. It is not for us to judge.
They can only be answerable to God for this. The physical aspects of these relationships are between them and God. Thankfully I understand them not.
I believe this, however, if I had felt the same powerful love and attraction for another man that I felt for my wife when we fell in love I too would now be pariah.
CONCLUSION Sex is a very real part of life. But everyone is different. It should be sacred and beautiful but can be evil and selfish. Christians should be taught these realities.
A vital role of churches is teaching of Christian messages updated to everyday life.
They should ensure that their teaching of new Christians will equip them with the faith they will need in the rest of their lives. On all issues they must be realistic and credible if they are to be accepted. The effectiveness of these teachings will affect support for churches in the future.
SUMMARY – Essays 5,6,7 & 8
Most Christians are not evangelists or theologians, they are specialists in an increasingly competitive and demanding world. This is where Christians serve God in all their varied dealings with other people. The churches should be leading them to this Christian living.
The simple Truth of Jesus’ Messages does not change. Church ministries should update all the lessons from the Gospels to help Christians live in their more complicated world today.
They should also provide contemporary examples of the availability of the Holy Spirit to help anyone with the faith to pray for it. There are also many verifiable reports of healing through faith in God.
Worship should merely be gathering for clergy to lead and reinforce the faith Christians as Jesus promised.
The deceptions, which Christ warned against, are the manmade additions to church worship identified at length in the essays above. Sadly many Christians revere the churches and their deceptions and believe that this is how God should be worshipped. However their numbers are declining.
Churches should return to their vital role of leading their flocks to live according to Christ’s Teaching.
Jesus prophesied that many would come in His name and would deceive many. This has happened in many churches with manmade additions to Christ’s Teaching.
Many worshippers in traditional churches accept these deceptions and believe that this is how God should be worshipped.
The next six essays consider some of these deceptions.
Essay 5 March 2008
During some 60 years of regular church worship I heard many misleading messages from preachers
Some of these are noted below.
Salvationism. Some preachers promise salvation to those who join them in declaring their faith and praising God. These negative self serving beliefs are expected to secure their place in Heaven.
God is not served by adulation and formal ceremonies, but by the actions of forgiving and loving our neighbours. Jesus has already promised care after death to those who live by faith in Him.
The Second Coming of Jesus was foretold, mainly in Revelations, written nearly 60 years after Jesus. It is now the cornerstone of some sects. They believe that His return is imminent. Their worship aims to secure their place in Heaven when it happens.
This pursues personal salvation, rather than selfless service to our fellow man, as urged by Jesus.
The destruction of the world sometime is certainly possible, given man’s power over the atom.
It has not happened yet after two thousand years. There is no reason to assume that this is certain or imminent.
What is certain is that we will all die, and we know not when. That is a reason to live each day as if it were our last
It is how we live now that is important to us and to God.
Exclusivity in some sects allege that theirs is the only way to worship and that others are misguided and excluded.
It is inconceivable that a loving Creator, having sent his Son to die for us, would then allow subsequent manmade rules and practices to exclude those who did not accept them.
One such sect claims we must be born again. The only time Jesus called for this was to Nicodemus
Who as a senior priest of Judaism worshipped the pre-Christian God Jehovah. To be a Christian he needed to discard these beliefs and accept Christ’s Teaching exclusively.
Emotionalism is a feature of some services led by eloquent and emotional preachers. They condemn Satan and praise God. They also get excited, shout and sing loud gospel music. This obviously makes these congregations feel good. The only question is whether it helps them to live in Christian love for the rest of the week.
Speaking and preaching are two different ways of conveying a message. Jesus spoke in normal tones and language in His Teachings.
I feel uncomfortable when addresses are preached down to me in emotional stentorian tones. They assume their own righteous authority and talk down to their sinful listeners. Nobody else conveys their message like that. Some audiences clearly accept it, but Jesus merely taught simply that we are all sinners who should commit our lives to our forgiving God.
Supplication is implied in many recitations such as “we are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under thy table”. Surely this serves no useful purpose. Our Creator knows that we are weak fallible sinners. He sent his Son with the message of repentance and forgiveness for our failings.
Personalising worship is natural for humans. It may make us feel good. Surely emotional proclamations of praise and glorification serve little purpose? Our Creator is concerned with deeds not words.
Declarations of Faith in God are often called for. Surely anyone who gets up on a Sunday morning and goes to worship a God he has never seen, already has faith. There is no need to proclaim it. What they need is help to sustain their faith and teaching to help them to serve God.
Theology. Most preachers have a detailed knowledge of the whole Bible. This includes a wide variety of pre-Christian examples of the conflicts and heroic triumphs of the prophets, who were God-fearing warlords. Their challenges were upholding the faith of their people and defending them from hostile enemies.
Their faith and courage as leaders are often the subject of sermons. This sounds noble and inspiring. It is of little value in meeting the challenges of Christian living in our peaceful and very different society today.
It contrasts with Christ’s teaching in simple terms to his followers who were simple farmers, fishermen and tradesmen. What worshippers need are lessons from the gospels updated to help their Christian living in their more complicated lives today.
Listeners to evangelist preaching may respond emotionally, expecting safety and security by regular formal worship God. The second commandment, to love the rest of mankind is central. It necessitates a change in their whole way of life by serving God in al their dealings with people.
Jesus prophesied that many would come in His name and would deceive many. This has happened in many churches with manmade additions to Christ’s Teaching.
Many worshippers in traditional churches accept these deceptions and believe that this is how God should be worshipped.
The next six essays consider some of these deceptions.
Essay 5 March 2008
During some 60 years of regular church worship I heard many misleading messages from preachers
Some of these are noted below.
Salvationism. Some preachers promise salvation to those who join them in declaring their faith and praising God. These negative self serving beliefs are expected to secure their place in Heaven.
God is not served by adulation and formal ceremonies, but by the actions of forgiving and loving our neighbours. Jesus has already promised care after death to those who live by faith in Him.
The Second Coming of Jesus was foretold, mainly in Revelations, written nearly 60 years after Jesus. It is now the cornerstone of some sects. They believe that His return is imminent. Their worship aims to secure their place in Heaven when it happens.
This pursues personal salvation, rather than selfless service to our fellow man, as urged by Jesus.
The destruction of the world sometime is certainly possible, given man’s power over the atom.
It has not happened yet after two thousand years. There is no reason to assume that this is certain or imminent.
What is certain is that we will all die, and we know not when. That is a reason to live each day as if it were our last
It is how we live now that is important to us and to God.
Exclusivity in some sects allege that theirs is the only way to worship and that others are misguided and excluded.
It is inconceivable that a loving Creator, having sent his Son to die for us, would then allow subsequent manmade rules and practices to exclude those who did not accept them.
One such sect claims we must be born again. The only time Jesus called for this was to Nicodemus
Who as a senior priest of Judaism worshipped the pre-Christian God Jehovah. To be a Christian he needed to discard these beliefs and accept Christ’s Teaching exclusively.
Emotionalism is a feature of some services led by eloquent and emotional preachers. They condemn Satan and praise God. They also get excited, shout and sing loud gospel music. This obviously makes these congregations feel good. The only question is whether it helps them to live in Christian love for the rest of the week.
Speaking and preaching are two different ways of conveying a message. Jesus spoke in normal tones and language in His Teachings.
I feel uncomfortable when addresses are preached down to me in emotional stentorian tones. They assume their own righteous authority and talk down to their sinful listeners. Nobody else conveys their message like that. Some audiences clearly accept it, but Jesus merely taught simply that we are all sinners who should commit our lives to our forgiving God.
Supplication is implied in many recitations such as “we are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under thy table”. Surely this serves no useful purpose. Our Creator knows that we are weak fallible sinners. He sent his Son with the message of repentance and forgiveness for our failings.
Personalising worship is natural for humans. It may make us feel good. Surely emotional proclamations of praise and glorification serve little purpose? Our Creator is concerned with deeds not words.
Declarations of Faith in God are often called for. Surely anyone who gets up on a Sunday morning and goes to worship a God he has never seen, already has faith. There is no need to proclaim it. What they need is help to sustain their faith and teaching to help them to serve God.
Theology. Most preachers have a detailed knowledge of the whole Bible. This includes a wide variety of pre-Christian examples of the conflicts and heroic triumphs of the prophets, who were God-fearing warlords. Their challenges were upholding the faith of their people and defending them from hostile enemies.
Their faith and courage as leaders are often the subject of sermons. This sounds noble and inspiring. It is of little value in meeting the challenges of Christian living in our peaceful and very different society today.
It contrasts with Christ’s teaching in simple terms to his followers who were simple farmers, fishermen and tradesmen. What worshippers need are lessons from the gospels updated to help their Christian living in their more complicated lives today.
Listeners to evangelist preaching may respond emotionally, expecting safety and security by regular formal worship God. The second commandment, to love the rest of mankind is central. It necessitates a change in their whole way of life by serving God in al their dealings with people.
Essay 3
During 60 years of Christian worship I passed through many tests of faith and disappointment. Thankfully my faith survived in spite of this.
My Traditional Christian upbringing may be typical of my age and class. I joined because this was the church of my parents and most of my community.
Much of the worship had little relevance to the busy life outside. However I did have real underlying faith, which I had acquired at home. I believed that this was how God should be worshiped.
I recount some of my disappointments.
In the society in which I grew up, the Anglican church had a pre-eminent role. Some believed, and attended services. Others found it a suitable venue for celebrating social occasions, Christenings, weddings, funerals and perhaps celebrating Christmas.
The authority of clergy was accepted. Their teachings were the introduction to Christianity for most young people.
At boarding school we had to attend two services every Sunday. I understand that attendance is still compulsory at many schools.
The services were repetitive and based on the Book of Common Prayer which, I understand, has been revised several times from the original, written in the seventeenth century.
As far as I can remember the lessons from the Bible at each service were repeated each year according to the church calendar.
Most of the prayers were simply the same read out week after week. They were repeated parrot fashion by the congregation.
I now question the value of these routines. For instance, Creed which we all recited “I believe in God the Father Almighty and in all things visible and invisible”. I am not sure what these visible and invisible things even are, and what relevance they have to our daily lives? I also question whether repeating this and other recitations parrot fashion every week serves any purpose.
The Nicene Creed Is typical of the outdated rituals which are
part of that Christian worship. It was written in the fourth century as the statement of beliefs when Christian communities were unified as the Church of Rome.
Happily I had faith from home to remain a Christian. Most of my colleges did not , the fault lies with poor teaching.
The Lord’s Prayer and the sacrament of Communion are the only two parts of these services directly attributable to Jesus’ teaching. The rest of the service was devised and added by churchmen over time.
The message of these services was that we were unworthy sinners. We used to recite “we have not done those things we ought to have done and we have done those things we ought not to have done and there is no health in us”. This seems to be unnecessary humility. We are human and of course we fail. Our Creator knows that and he promised forgiveness for the past and help for the future.
I now doubt the value of these habitual rituals, but for too long I accepted that this was how to worship God.
I was taught of an omnipotent God who, on the day of reckoning, would judge each soul with a sort of ledger. Sins and good deeds would be weighed and balanced and our souls would be judged. This is a pre-Christian doctrine which should have been superseded by Jesus’ Message.
Conclusion Many Christians acquired their early beliefs in these large authoritarian churches because this was the way to go. Participation was out of habit or compulsion and not choice and conviction.
Confirmation ought to be a serious step in church life. Candidates are instructed in the church’s beliefs and practices. They are then accepted as full members at a special confirmation ceremony.
On my arrival at senior school I found that it was expected that I be confirmed. I did not feel ready and waited a few years. I had a firm faith and I did take it seriously.
The main emphasis seemed to be on Old Testament values of good and evil and that we were sinful and unworthy.
As far as I can remember there was little emphasis on the message of love and forgiveness at that time. Forgiveness was promised to those who repented. Also the Holy Spirit was part of the Trinity but I got no message of intervention in the lives of ordinary individuals who had faith.
Most of the class had little conviction and merely wanted to show that, by being confirmed, they had now grown up and were part of adult society. I took it seriously and was disillusioned.
This was a real test of my faith. At the age of fifteen one accepts authority and I believed that this was how God must be worshipped.
After confirmation I complained to a priest that it seemed to have been a meaningless charade to many of the boys. He assured me that the laying on of hands, dating back to the disciples, would confer a spiritual power on them. He believed this. I do not.
At a time when a boy is facing sex for the first time the only comment in this confirmation course was “you all know what is right and wrong “. The belief seemed to be that sex was evil and sinful. I therefore believed that when I succumbed to the temptation of self abuse I was evil and inadequate. This sapped my self respect for many years.
This was 60 years ago, perhaps religious instruction has improved since then.
Conclusion Confirmation is a vital step in the Anglican church. Young people should be taught the essential beliefs of Christianity. The ceremony confirms their faith, made on their behalf, at their Baptism. I was shocked at superficial and meaningless it al was in this case.
Several years later I had a call to become a priest. I went to England with the aim of studying theology. I had introductions to several senior churchmen. I was appalled at their arrogant indifference. In answer to a question about a problem which I thought the church could be more helpful to its members I was told “Ah! but we mustn’t make it too easy for them”.
I returned home disillusioned.
Sadly I continued to attend this church for too many years. Perhaps because I still had faith and I thought that this was how God should be worshipped.
Conclusion Our goal should be to live our lives according to God’s Messages in the Gospels. If contemporary churches do not help their members to achieve these goals they are failing in their duty.
As an ordinary, and hopefully honest, Christian, I should not have been misled for so long that this is how Christ should be worshipped.
My most valuable lessons in this worship were that I did learn God’s simple messages to mankind, through all Jesus’ parables in the Gospels.
I also retained the Faith which I acquired at home. I still had an unquestioning sense of right and wrong and morality. This was a sound basis for my life.
Worship in church left me with a negative belief in a harsh authoritarian Trinity, accessible through adulation in church and mainly concerned with transgressions of us humble sinners.
The ritual and repetitive worship had little relevance to my busy daily life when I left church. It contrasted with all my other activities were dynamic and responded rapidly to changes in the needs of participants.
I missed the positive message of gentle loving and forgiving God who cares for every individual. The availability of the Holy Spirit to intervene in our individual daily lives did not come through either.
My disappointment is that, having spent so much if my life in the established church, I missed so much teaching to help me in Christian living. This journey of church worship had too many manmade distractions from Christ’s Messages. I fear that other regular worshippers may be missing out because they believe that this is how to worship Christ.
During 60 years of Christian worship I passed through many tests of faith and disappointment. Thankfully my faith survived in spite of this.
My Traditional Christian upbringing may be typical of my age and class. I joined because this was the church of my parents and most of my community.
Much of the worship had little relevance to the busy life outside. However I did have real underlying faith, which I had acquired at home. I believed that this was how God should be worshiped.
I recount some of my disappointments.
In the society in which I grew up, the Anglican church had a pre-eminent role. Some believed, and attended services. Others found it a suitable venue for celebrating social occasions, Christenings, weddings, funerals and perhaps celebrating Christmas.
The authority of clergy was accepted. Their teachings were the introduction to Christianity for most young people.
At boarding school we had to attend two services every Sunday. I understand that attendance is still compulsory at many schools.
The services were repetitive and based on the Book of Common Prayer which, I understand, has been revised several times from the original, written in the seventeenth century.
As far as I can remember the lessons from the Bible at each service were repeated each year according to the church calendar.
Most of the prayers were simply the same read out week after week. They were repeated parrot fashion by the congregation.
I now question the value of these routines. For instance, Creed which we all recited “I believe in God the Father Almighty and in all things visible and invisible”. I am not sure what these visible and invisible things even are, and what relevance they have to our daily lives? I also question whether repeating this and other recitations parrot fashion every week serves any purpose.
The Nicene Creed Is typical of the outdated rituals which are
part of that Christian worship. It was written in the fourth century as the statement of beliefs when Christian communities were unified as the Church of Rome.
Happily I had faith from home to remain a Christian. Most of my colleges did not , the fault lies with poor teaching.
The Lord’s Prayer and the sacrament of Communion are the only two parts of these services directly attributable to Jesus’ teaching. The rest of the service was devised and added by churchmen over time.
The message of these services was that we were unworthy sinners. We used to recite “we have not done those things we ought to have done and we have done those things we ought not to have done and there is no health in us”. This seems to be unnecessary humility. We are human and of course we fail. Our Creator knows that and he promised forgiveness for the past and help for the future.
I now doubt the value of these habitual rituals, but for too long I accepted that this was how to worship God.
I was taught of an omnipotent God who, on the day of reckoning, would judge each soul with a sort of ledger. Sins and good deeds would be weighed and balanced and our souls would be judged. This is a pre-Christian doctrine which should have been superseded by Jesus’ Message.
Conclusion Many Christians acquired their early beliefs in these large authoritarian churches because this was the way to go. Participation was out of habit or compulsion and not choice and conviction.
Confirmation ought to be a serious step in church life. Candidates are instructed in the church’s beliefs and practices. They are then accepted as full members at a special confirmation ceremony.
On my arrival at senior school I found that it was expected that I be confirmed. I did not feel ready and waited a few years. I had a firm faith and I did take it seriously.
The main emphasis seemed to be on Old Testament values of good and evil and that we were sinful and unworthy.
As far as I can remember there was little emphasis on the message of love and forgiveness at that time. Forgiveness was promised to those who repented. Also the Holy Spirit was part of the Trinity but I got no message of intervention in the lives of ordinary individuals who had faith.
Most of the class had little conviction and merely wanted to show that, by being confirmed, they had now grown up and were part of adult society. I took it seriously and was disillusioned.
This was a real test of my faith. At the age of fifteen one accepts authority and I believed that this was how God must be worshipped.
After confirmation I complained to a priest that it seemed to have been a meaningless charade to many of the boys. He assured me that the laying on of hands, dating back to the disciples, would confer a spiritual power on them. He believed this. I do not.
At a time when a boy is facing sex for the first time the only comment in this confirmation course was “you all know what is right and wrong “. The belief seemed to be that sex was evil and sinful. I therefore believed that when I succumbed to the temptation of self abuse I was evil and inadequate. This sapped my self respect for many years.
This was 60 years ago, perhaps religious instruction has improved since then.
Conclusion Confirmation is a vital step in the Anglican church. Young people should be taught the essential beliefs of Christianity. The ceremony confirms their faith, made on their behalf, at their Baptism. I was shocked at superficial and meaningless it al was in this case.
Several years later I had a call to become a priest. I went to England with the aim of studying theology. I had introductions to several senior churchmen. I was appalled at their arrogant indifference. In answer to a question about a problem which I thought the church could be more helpful to its members I was told “Ah! but we mustn’t make it too easy for them”.
I returned home disillusioned.
Sadly I continued to attend this church for too many years. Perhaps because I still had faith and I thought that this was how God should be worshipped.
Conclusion Our goal should be to live our lives according to God’s Messages in the Gospels. If contemporary churches do not help their members to achieve these goals they are failing in their duty.
As an ordinary, and hopefully honest, Christian, I should not have been misled for so long that this is how Christ should be worshipped.
My most valuable lessons in this worship were that I did learn God’s simple messages to mankind, through all Jesus’ parables in the Gospels.
I also retained the Faith which I acquired at home. I still had an unquestioning sense of right and wrong and morality. This was a sound basis for my life.
Worship in church left me with a negative belief in a harsh authoritarian Trinity, accessible through adulation in church and mainly concerned with transgressions of us humble sinners.
The ritual and repetitive worship had little relevance to my busy daily life when I left church. It contrasted with all my other activities were dynamic and responded rapidly to changes in the needs of participants.
I missed the positive message of gentle loving and forgiving God who cares for every individual. The availability of the Holy Spirit to intervene in our individual daily lives did not come through either.
My disappointment is that, having spent so much if my life in the established church, I missed so much teaching to help me in Christian living. This journey of church worship had too many manmade distractions from Christ’s Messages. I fear that other regular worshippers may be missing out because they believe that this is how to worship Christ.
Essay 2
How we got here. Churches evolved as the centres of worship over nearly two thousand years. They are central in western society. Four roots shaped them.
The Jewish religion was a milestone in religious development. It worshipped an omnipotent unseen spiritual God concerned with the moral behaviour. He was also the Guardian of their nation.
In contrast, many of the other earlier religions worshiped gods from major physical forces in their experience such as the sun, the moon or some place, considered sacred. Others believed that the spirits of their ancestors retained power over their lives.
Many of the earlier civilisations centred around preserving the souls of their rulers after death. In some cases, especially in central America, the gods were supposed to demand large numbers of human sacrifices.
The Jewish faith therefore was one of the earliest which worshipped an unseen moral God.
Several prophets had the gift of prophecy and forecast the coming of their Messiah centuries before Jesus was born.
Their steadfast religion unified and strengthened the nation and enabled them to survive in a hostile world for over 1000 years.
The followers had such great faith in their powerful God that Abraham was even prepared to sacrifice his own son when he believed that was what the Lord had demanded.
The moral code was the Ten Commandments which defined what behaviour was not acceptable to God and was therefore evil.
It was also a harsh code allowing vengeance in terms of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
God was perceived to be a strict and omnipotent power who would call sinners to account on the Day of Judgement. Notably He promised care after death to those who did not sin.
This steadfast faith set the stage for the ministry of Christ.
I understand that a great deal of these scriptures still form the basis of Judaism and Islam. It will be politically incorrect to suggest that, even nuclear, conflict, between members of these unforgiving faiths is a threat to world peace!
Conclusion. The belief in one unseen moral God was unique. It set the stage for Him to reveal His purpose through His Son’s message to mankind.
The most momentous event in history was when God sent Jesus to teach His purpose for us. This was the first time that men could see God and hear his words.
Christ brought a completely new message, He gave just two commandments. We must love God and love our neighbours as ourselves.
His teachings were presented as parables which were simple and understandable to his audience.
The parable of the sheep and the goats told that those who had served God had done so unwittingly when they loved and were kind to other people. This surely must be one of God’s most profound Messages. We serve him by loving others rather than by formal worship.
SIN was acknowledged as a human failing. Remember the crowd who wanted to stone an adulteress. He said “let him who is without sin throw the first stone“. He clearly knew everybody sins.
Forgiveness. The Lord’s Prayer asks for forgiveness as we forgive those who trespass against us. Having given his followers the Prayer during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasised this “for if you forgive men their trespasses against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you “. What could be clearer than that?
Forgiveness, is therefore earned through our forgiveness of others.
(A contrary, subsequent view, is that forgiveness is granted to those who love God because of Jesus sacrifice on the Cross. I prefer the specific promise above which puts the onus on us.)
The parable of The Prodigal Son emphasised that God rejoices in forgiving the past sins of anyone who repents and turns to Him in faith.
The Power of GOD in every day life was shown through Jesus’ many miracles of healing and even raising the dead.
Finally there was the Resurrection. Having seen Jesus in human form for several years, he was crucified and reappeared in spiritual form. Now they could worship Him as a God they had seen. He promised to be there when two or three gathered in His name.
These examples and all the other stories in the Gospels were a completely new revelation of a loving and forgiving God and how mankind should serve Him.
Christ, brought a new message which superseded the 10 commandments and the unforgiving beliefs of Judaism.
The negative code of “thou shalt not“ was replaced by the positive emphasis on loving your neighbour.
The doctrine of forgiveness replaced beliefs of revenge of ”an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. This is a quantum leap from negative teachings of Judaism.
Conclusion The Son of God’s simple message was brought by a humble man. His disciples were ordinary folk who he had called to follow him. His message was to ordinary people on how to live in faith and love for the rest of mankind. His miracles revealed God’s real power on earth.
The Divine intervention of the Holy Spirit was promised to the faithful by Christ, before the Crucifiction. It inspired the apostles and many new converts to spread Christ’s message and found Christianity. About 3000, at Pentecost, received inspiration plus the gift of being able to speak the foreign languages that they needed abroad.
Notable also was the direct conversion of Saint Paul.
The achievements of these new inspired Christians was momentous.
Their first difficulty was that they had to convert foreigners.
They must also have depended on their hosts for food, shelter and clothing.
Their converts formed permanent communities of Christians who remained steadfast. By divine inspiration and faith, they withstood many persecutions. Many gave their lives in this mission.
The steadfast faith and strength of the new Christians in Rome was remarkable. For 300 years they were persecuted, and even put to death, in front of crowds in the Coliseum, notably by Nero. Finally their sacrifices were rewarded by the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine.
The spread of their new Christian communities was wondrous indeed. From Russia to North Africa and India throughout Europe.
These initial foundations of today’s churches were laid without major institutions, officials, temples, robes or pomp and ceremony. Rather it was by communities united by FAITH and dedication. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The New Testament as the guiding light of Christianity to this day, was one of their most remarkable achievements.
Writing was done on rolls of parchment, which would not have been cheap to ordinary people. Scribes were probably not plentiful. For them to record each of the Gospels would have been slow and laborious. Copies would have been equally difficult. Yet they were produced.
Then came the Acts of the Apostles and the letters that have survived from their ministries. This all illustrates remarkable dedication and strength only consistent with divine inspiration.
Conclusion These were the real heroes. The inspiration of the Apostles by the Holy Spirit must surely be God’s greatest intervention in human affairs. Without their achievements Christianity would not have spread or survived.
Christianity, originally founded and spread by the apostles, eventually became formalised in the fourth century. Officials were appointed and churches were built.
Ties were later allied with political rulers and the new churches became the official religions of several empires. They supported political rulers and achieved power themselves.
Major churches, such as those in Rome, Greece and Russia, evolved in slightly different ways.
They played a vital part in developing their societies.
Since Henry V111, the Anglican church has been the official church of Britain. It is integrated into the society and the Monarch is its head.
The monasteries were isolated centres of learning during the Dark Ages.
The Reformation led to breakaways in Europe from the monolithic Church of Rome. Since then more independent Protestant churches became established.
Christian moral codes were the foundation of our modern democratic systems. It was eventually led to the passing pf power from the privileged rulers to the people and the concepts of justice and equality under the law, enforced by independent judiciaries. The press was able to criticise and expose the misdeeds of anyone in power.
Western society was therefore shaped by churches. Their values are generally accepted as their moral foundation They all profess to be Christian societies and churches have a central role .
Christians owe enormous gratitude to the churches for keeping faith and bringing down Christ’s Teaching for 2000 years.
How we got here. Churches evolved as the centres of worship over nearly two thousand years. They are central in western society. Four roots shaped them.
The Jewish religion was a milestone in religious development. It worshipped an omnipotent unseen spiritual God concerned with the moral behaviour. He was also the Guardian of their nation.
In contrast, many of the other earlier religions worshiped gods from major physical forces in their experience such as the sun, the moon or some place, considered sacred. Others believed that the spirits of their ancestors retained power over their lives.
Many of the earlier civilisations centred around preserving the souls of their rulers after death. In some cases, especially in central America, the gods were supposed to demand large numbers of human sacrifices.
The Jewish faith therefore was one of the earliest which worshipped an unseen moral God.
Several prophets had the gift of prophecy and forecast the coming of their Messiah centuries before Jesus was born.
Their steadfast religion unified and strengthened the nation and enabled them to survive in a hostile world for over 1000 years.
The followers had such great faith in their powerful God that Abraham was even prepared to sacrifice his own son when he believed that was what the Lord had demanded.
The moral code was the Ten Commandments which defined what behaviour was not acceptable to God and was therefore evil.
It was also a harsh code allowing vengeance in terms of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
God was perceived to be a strict and omnipotent power who would call sinners to account on the Day of Judgement. Notably He promised care after death to those who did not sin.
This steadfast faith set the stage for the ministry of Christ.
I understand that a great deal of these scriptures still form the basis of Judaism and Islam. It will be politically incorrect to suggest that, even nuclear, conflict, between members of these unforgiving faiths is a threat to world peace!
Conclusion. The belief in one unseen moral God was unique. It set the stage for Him to reveal His purpose through His Son’s message to mankind.
The most momentous event in history was when God sent Jesus to teach His purpose for us. This was the first time that men could see God and hear his words.
Christ brought a completely new message, He gave just two commandments. We must love God and love our neighbours as ourselves.
His teachings were presented as parables which were simple and understandable to his audience.
The parable of the sheep and the goats told that those who had served God had done so unwittingly when they loved and were kind to other people. This surely must be one of God’s most profound Messages. We serve him by loving others rather than by formal worship.
SIN was acknowledged as a human failing. Remember the crowd who wanted to stone an adulteress. He said “let him who is without sin throw the first stone“. He clearly knew everybody sins.
Forgiveness. The Lord’s Prayer asks for forgiveness as we forgive those who trespass against us. Having given his followers the Prayer during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasised this “for if you forgive men their trespasses against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you “. What could be clearer than that?
Forgiveness, is therefore earned through our forgiveness of others.
(A contrary, subsequent view, is that forgiveness is granted to those who love God because of Jesus sacrifice on the Cross. I prefer the specific promise above which puts the onus on us.)
The parable of The Prodigal Son emphasised that God rejoices in forgiving the past sins of anyone who repents and turns to Him in faith.
The Power of GOD in every day life was shown through Jesus’ many miracles of healing and even raising the dead.
Finally there was the Resurrection. Having seen Jesus in human form for several years, he was crucified and reappeared in spiritual form. Now they could worship Him as a God they had seen. He promised to be there when two or three gathered in His name.
These examples and all the other stories in the Gospels were a completely new revelation of a loving and forgiving God and how mankind should serve Him.
Christ, brought a new message which superseded the 10 commandments and the unforgiving beliefs of Judaism.
The negative code of “thou shalt not“ was replaced by the positive emphasis on loving your neighbour.
The doctrine of forgiveness replaced beliefs of revenge of ”an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. This is a quantum leap from negative teachings of Judaism.
Conclusion The Son of God’s simple message was brought by a humble man. His disciples were ordinary folk who he had called to follow him. His message was to ordinary people on how to live in faith and love for the rest of mankind. His miracles revealed God’s real power on earth.
The Divine intervention of the Holy Spirit was promised to the faithful by Christ, before the Crucifiction. It inspired the apostles and many new converts to spread Christ’s message and found Christianity. About 3000, at Pentecost, received inspiration plus the gift of being able to speak the foreign languages that they needed abroad.
Notable also was the direct conversion of Saint Paul.
The achievements of these new inspired Christians was momentous.
Their first difficulty was that they had to convert foreigners.
They must also have depended on their hosts for food, shelter and clothing.
Their converts formed permanent communities of Christians who remained steadfast. By divine inspiration and faith, they withstood many persecutions. Many gave their lives in this mission.
The steadfast faith and strength of the new Christians in Rome was remarkable. For 300 years they were persecuted, and even put to death, in front of crowds in the Coliseum, notably by Nero. Finally their sacrifices were rewarded by the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine.
The spread of their new Christian communities was wondrous indeed. From Russia to North Africa and India throughout Europe.
These initial foundations of today’s churches were laid without major institutions, officials, temples, robes or pomp and ceremony. Rather it was by communities united by FAITH and dedication. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The New Testament as the guiding light of Christianity to this day, was one of their most remarkable achievements.
Writing was done on rolls of parchment, which would not have been cheap to ordinary people. Scribes were probably not plentiful. For them to record each of the Gospels would have been slow and laborious. Copies would have been equally difficult. Yet they were produced.
Then came the Acts of the Apostles and the letters that have survived from their ministries. This all illustrates remarkable dedication and strength only consistent with divine inspiration.
Conclusion These were the real heroes. The inspiration of the Apostles by the Holy Spirit must surely be God’s greatest intervention in human affairs. Without their achievements Christianity would not have spread or survived.
Christianity, originally founded and spread by the apostles, eventually became formalised in the fourth century. Officials were appointed and churches were built.
Ties were later allied with political rulers and the new churches became the official religions of several empires. They supported political rulers and achieved power themselves.
Major churches, such as those in Rome, Greece and Russia, evolved in slightly different ways.
They played a vital part in developing their societies.
Since Henry V111, the Anglican church has been the official church of Britain. It is integrated into the society and the Monarch is its head.
The monasteries were isolated centres of learning during the Dark Ages.
The Reformation led to breakaways in Europe from the monolithic Church of Rome. Since then more independent Protestant churches became established.
Christian moral codes were the foundation of our modern democratic systems. It was eventually led to the passing pf power from the privileged rulers to the people and the concepts of justice and equality under the law, enforced by independent judiciaries. The press was able to criticise and expose the misdeeds of anyone in power.
Western society was therefore shaped by churches. Their values are generally accepted as their moral foundation They all profess to be Christian societies and churches have a central role .
Christians owe enormous gratitude to the churches for keeping faith and bringing down Christ’s Teaching for 2000 years.
Essay 4 FEBRUARY 2008
Sadly I waited too many years worshiping in routine and ritual services before making changes which eventually led to revelation.
Reformed Churches were founded when some brave preachers rejected the rigid dogmas and rituals of Rome and offered alternatives.
Their worship is more relevant to daily life. Prayers are sincere and relevant to the real issues affecting the congregation. They are spoken and not preached or read from a service book. Thod was real.
I expect that, like myself, many other worshipers live very busy active lives for six days a week. I go to church to recharge spiritually for my dealings with people in the next week.
I go to repent and ask forgiveness for my shortcomings and pray for strength in the future.
To join the congregation in prayer and worship.
To give thanks for many blessings.
To ask for help in meeting challenges or overcoming setbacks, both of which are inevitable in our lives.
To pray for help for those in trouble.
To, hopefully, get some inspiration from the sermon. Often they have obviously been carefully prepared and have literary merit. A sermon should carry a clear message to help the congregation in their lives from Monday to Saturday. They should be to the point.
Many of the Free church services achieve these aims.
Conclusion. This worship in Free Churches was a major breakthrough which was new, relevant and sincere.
There are two stages in Christianity.
FIRST an independent physical person accepts the need, to obey the authority and way of life of a non-physical spiritual power, who he cannot see or comprehend. This conversion is a major change of direction from his past life.
Acquiring Faith is achieved in many ways. It may be individually from parents, friends or preachers. These same people are usually still there to help sustain and develop their new found faith.
Charismatic evangelists, such as Billy Graham or Benny Hin have called millions to believe and commit themselves to God.
These missions travel to major gatherings to spread faith. Then they move on.
SECOND Those who declare faith at evangelist missions, may have difficulty sustaining it after they leave. Their new faith requires a new direction and purpose in their lives to serve a God who is new to many of them. They declared their faith among an emotional crowd. Their intentions were sincere. Many then return to all the mundane problems at home.
Accepting the sovereignty of God is only the first step. This must lead to a completely new direction in their living with the rest of humanity. To achieve this they need a thorough knowledge of Christ’s Teaching in the Gospels. They need to find a church where help in their new life is available.
If they do not persist in finding a church that helps them in building and sustaining their new faith, they may lapse back to their old life.
After conversion, Christians need to sustain and develop their new faith. This is achieved from the ministry of preachers and fellowship with other Christians. Living as Christian is not as easy as it appears. New Christians have a great deal to learn how all Christ’s Teaching in the Gospels should guide their everyday living. Testimonies about the real help from the Holy Spirit available to ordinary Christians is a vital new dimension which they need to be made aware of.
A problem is the enormous variety of humans and what suits each individual. Our tastes vary enormously. Music, entertainment and sport are examples. It is vital for Christians to find a ministry that fulfils and sustains their faith. They can choose from many ministries which offer different forms of worship,
As in the parable of the sower, the seed of their new faith must fall on fertile soil if it is grow out and bear fruit.
There has been a proliferation of new ministries. Their support comes from conscious choices of ordinary people. They differ from established churches whose support often comes from old traditions or out of habit. They survive and get support by satisfying the needs of their members.
This great variety of current forms of worship is now available on the religious channels on TV to world wide audiences.
Forms of worship, which some find difficult, may reinforce the faith of others. That is excellent.
Those, who shop around will find worship that is real to them and support their faith. It may take time, but it is essential, if their faith is to be sustained.
Jesus warned that many false prophets would arise in His name and would deceive many. Presumably false preachers are those who, in the name of God, offer aims or rewards which distract attention from the Jesus’ real Messages.
THE TRUE VALUE of the many TV Ministries depends on how they inspire listeners to live according to Christ’s Teaching. Some appear to seek other goals. Instead of loving others, they promise selfish personal rewards, salvation or protection from adversity.
SALVATIONISM Some preachers promise salvation to those who join them in declaring their faith and praising God. These may be negative self serving beliefs which are expected to secure their place in Heaven.
God is not served by adulation and formal ceremonies, but by the actions of forgiving and loving our neighbours. Jesus promised care after death to those who lived by faith in Him.
THE SECOND COMING of Jesus was foretold in Mathew’s Gospel. Also mainly in Revelations, written nearly 100 years later. It is now the cornerstone of some of these sects. They believe that His return is imminent. Their worship aims to secure their place in Heaven when it happens.
This seems to pursue personal salvation, rather than for selfless service to our fellow man, as urged by Jesus.
The destruction of the world sometime is certainly possible, given man’s power over the atom.
It has not happened yet after two thousand years. There is no reason to assume that this is certain or imminent.
What is certain is that we will all die, and we know not when. That is a reason to live each day as if it were our last
It is how we live now that is important to us and to God.
EXCLUSIVITY in some sects allege that theirs is the only way to worship and that others are misguided and excluded.
It is inconceivable that a loving Creator, having sent his Son to die for us, would then allow subsequent manmade rules and practices to exclude those who did not accept them.
EMOTIONISM is a feature of some TV services led by eloquent and emotional preachers. They condemn Satan and praise God. They also get excited, shout and sing loud gospel music. This obviously makes these congregations feel good. The only question is whether it helps them to live as Christians for the rest of the week.
SPEAKIG AND PREACHING are two different ways of conveying a message. Jesus spoke in normal tones and language to give his teachings.
I feel uncomfortable when addresses are preached in emotional stentorian tones. They assume their own authority and talk down to their listeners. Nobody else conveys their message to me like that. Some audiences clearly accept it.
SUPPLICATION is implied in a recitation in some services “we are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under thy table”. Surely this serves no useful purpose. Our Creator knows that we are weak fallible sinners. He sent his Son with the message of repentance and forgiveness for our failings.
PERSONALISING worship is natural for humans. It may make us feel good. Surely emotional proclamations of praise and glorification
serve little purpose? Our Creator is concerned with deeds not words.
DECLARATIONS OF FAITH in God are often called for. Surely anyone who gets up on a Sunday morning and goes to worship a God he has never seen, already has faith. There is no need to proclaim it. What they need is help and forgiveness in serving God.
THEOLOGY. Some ministers are naturally interested in all aspects of the Bible. One claimed to have spent 9 000 hours in this study. Many issues arise from, different interpretations of early Greek and Roman texts, to the origins of original sin. These issues are often the basis of their sermons. They do not fill the spiritual needs of busy pragmatic laymen. What they do need are the Messages from Christ’s teaching in simple parables about how to live, these are simple principles which need no scholarly interpretation.
Conclusion, The variations in worship serve the different needs of diverse people. Their value depends on how listeners love the rest of mankind after their worship. The deceptions which Jesus warned against are those additions which distract attention from His messages on how to live. They may promise material prosperity or protection to the listeners but they are distractions nevertheless.
We worship God when we pray for strength and faith, but we serve Him when follow His two commandments brought by Jesus.
My journey came to fulfilment when I found ministries which concentrate on Christ’s simple teachings on how we should live every day. This means accepting God’s presence, purpose and help in all your waking life. This is precisely what Jesus taught. It is a long way from worshipping God merely by going to church once a week to reach God through a human preacher. It is free from the manmade additions which distracted my worship for too many years.
The leaders of these ministries share their faith and experience. They don’t preach down, to their listeners. Rather they relate the power of faith in their own and other peoples lives. They often report testimonies from people who had futility in their lives and turned to God. This is real.
Several TV programmes teach the real daily issues of Christian living. Among them:
JOYCE MYER’S Programme “Joyful Everyday Living”, to me is pre-eminent. I watch five times a week. She extols the joys of Christian living by praying and bringing God in to every aspect of life. She contrasts this with her previous worship of going to church once a week. She warns of the need to look for God’s help when times are tough.
She is a very smart, articulate and entertaining lady. She had a rough, tough and negative early life but has converted to a real positive living faith in God.
Her organisation has a staff of over 500 and publishes a monthly magazine, pamphlets, books an recorded teaching.( Weekdays at 900pm and 900am on channel 77, Sundays 8.30 am channel 78)
Joel Olsteen talks straight about real life issues. He emphasises not to dwell on past setbacks or insults, but to work with God for a better future.
He used to maintain his late father’s church. After his father’s death, he found himself in the hot seat. He was terrified but had Faith.
He now leads one of the largest churches in the USA. (Sometimes 10 am on channel 54 on Sundays. Also at 6pm on Mondays on 77.)
The Hour of Power by Dr. Robert. A. Schuller senior, he merely calls it Positive Christianity. His sermons concern real everyday living. Services are simple and joyful with a variety of great music and fun. It is a living contrast to the formal worship that I grew up with.
This church was started at a drive in cinema which was free on Sunday mornings. 50 years later it is now centred at a magnificent glass and steel Crystal Cathedral near Los Angeles.
These broadcasts started 35 years ago.
There is always Testimony, often from celebrities, which recall eventual triumph in overcoming challenges or adversity through faith. This is meaningful. (channel 77 at 6 pm. on Saturdays and at noon on Sundays channel 54)
The 700 Club reports numerous verified miracles of healing and the triumphs of those who were in trouble and then turned to God.(weekdays at 12noon on CBN)
Several others also speak sincerely about living every day in terms of God’s will and with His help. These include, Baylis Conway, Chad Everest, Greg Laurie, Ed Young, Rod Luce and others. Their styles vary but anyone seeking a teacher to sustain their faith should find some that suit them.
They are not part of any denomination. All these missions have earned support from fulfilling people’s need for how Jesus’ teaching should be applied in everyday life.
Living by God’s purpose will have temporal rewards, in addition to his promises of His help and spiritual salvation. Those who live according to His purpose, will benefit in other ways.
STRESS is widely believed to be one cause of ill-health. Remember that prayer “Give us the strength O Lord to change the things we can change, the serenity to endure what we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.” That serenity, derived from faith, is the alternative to stress.
Hatred is another cause of stress which has no place in Christian life.
WHAT OTHERS THINK The opinion of others can be a major constraint on behaviour. Christians should not care about the approval of men but instead what is right to God.
Escaping this tyranny has been one of the major breakthroughs in my life. I have tried to replace what is considered socially correct, with what I believe is right. That is real freedom.
Faith can be a vital strength, in even the lowest levels of public office, to do what we believe is right, not what is popular. This is integrity.
A variation is trying to keep up with the Joneses. Too often we acquire possessions more lavish than we need, merely to impress our peers. Christians do not need to do that.
SOCIAL HARMONY. A major factor in human welfare is the ability to live in peace with each other at social or international levels. This is only possible if faith teaches respect and tolerance for those who are different. The parable of the Good Samaritan illustrated that God loves all people.
The future of mankind depends on tolerance and respect for the rest of humanity. Without the belief in God’s love, societies naturally become hostile to outsiders. There are those who hate other groups who are defined as infidels and enemies.
Tribal hatreds between ethnic groups constantly lead to civil wars, especially in Africa.(Iraq) Christianity ought to provide this tolerance.
Sadly hostility exists even between Christian churches. This is contrary to Christ’s teaching.
There will never be peace on earth until mankind learn to love or at least respect one another.
Conclusion Our Creator gave us our lives and sent Jesus to tell us how to live. It is natural to expect that this will lead to a better quality of life, in addition to the spiritual rewards He promised.
Three simple Revelations were found in the messages of these ministries.
CHRISTIAN DAILY LIVIMG. These ministries concentrate simply on Christ’s Messages applied to all aspects of daily life. They lead their listeners by speaking of the day to day issues and how faith in God should guide us in all our decisions. This was His purpose for our lives.
He is always with us as a loving caring Father to help us to live His way. Every decision in life should be guided by faith in His Messages.
Adversity and disappointments are part of life. We should not complain and ask “why me ?” Rather we should ask for help and strength for the future. Help usually comes, but not always in the way it was expected.
This reality of His constant presence in the lives of the faithful is a real recipe for Christian Living.
This has replaced the practice of going once a week to some sombre holy place for a reverent preacher to call down the help of a remote Holy Lord.
ALL MEN ARE EQUAL to God. This may sound to be obvious. However our society is stratified according to the abilities and achievements of members. Leaders emerge in all fields, such as business, politics or sport. They are admired and respected for their prowess.
Conversely those who only achieve humble positions may be regarded, and even regard themselves, as inferior.
The revelation is that they are just as important to our Creator as of any human leader.
The message is that God created us all with different talents and that He has a purpose for each of us to fulfil. We need to pray to find this purpose, and for strength to achieve it. With His help, we can each succeed to achieve His plan for us.
As one preacher said, “the janitor is just as important to God as the company chairman.”
This was new to me, but it makes sense.
We all need, and can get, help in living the Christian life, no matter how humble our station. We deal with people all the time, at work, at home and in our communities. This is where we can serve God when we love our neighbours and our enemies.
This has meaning for everyone, no matter how humble their abilities.
THE HOLY SPIRIT has been shown to play a very real part in the lives of anyone who has faith to ask for help. There have been many many testimonies of God’s help to ordinary people, who turn to Him when they have had setbacks or lost their way.
This gives relevance to the injunction “Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you.”
This is a central theme of some of these ministries. It is real.
It contrasts with what was meaningless singing about “three in one and one in three”, which I was brought up with.
The awesome reality is that He is available to each of us here and now. We do not need to go through any human intermediary in a holy temple to get to Him or get help from Him.
To sum up. These ministries rejoice in the blessings and pleasures in our wonderful world
These forms of worship bring the simple messages of how to live a Christian life.
God has a purpose for each one of us, and the Holy Spirit is there to help us all to achieve it. Surely this is what Christ came to teach us ?
It depends only on our own faith in God and is reinforced by God’s enlightened ministries who help us to sustain our own faith.
Conclusion Now I have found ministries who teach the real Will of Jesus for our living. My faith is now much deeper and more real. It is peaceful and simple. God has a purpose for me too and will help me to achieve it. He is my loving and forgiving Boss and friend. I have now found a new peace and fulfilment.
This journey has taken most of my life. I have now found dedicated and sincere preachers who actually do pray in ordinary language for strength to follow Jesus’ teachings.
This replaced the concept of a critical authoritarian power waiting to condemn sinners and worshipped by sombre manmade rituals and doctrines in formalised churches.
I Thank God for leading me here.
Sadly I waited too many years worshiping in routine and ritual services before making changes which eventually led to revelation.
Reformed Churches were founded when some brave preachers rejected the rigid dogmas and rituals of Rome and offered alternatives.
Their worship is more relevant to daily life. Prayers are sincere and relevant to the real issues affecting the congregation. They are spoken and not preached or read from a service book. Thod was real.
I expect that, like myself, many other worshipers live very busy active lives for six days a week. I go to church to recharge spiritually for my dealings with people in the next week.
I go to repent and ask forgiveness for my shortcomings and pray for strength in the future.
To join the congregation in prayer and worship.
To give thanks for many blessings.
To ask for help in meeting challenges or overcoming setbacks, both of which are inevitable in our lives.
To pray for help for those in trouble.
To, hopefully, get some inspiration from the sermon. Often they have obviously been carefully prepared and have literary merit. A sermon should carry a clear message to help the congregation in their lives from Monday to Saturday. They should be to the point.
Many of the Free church services achieve these aims.
Conclusion. This worship in Free Churches was a major breakthrough which was new, relevant and sincere.
There are two stages in Christianity.
FIRST an independent physical person accepts the need, to obey the authority and way of life of a non-physical spiritual power, who he cannot see or comprehend. This conversion is a major change of direction from his past life.
Acquiring Faith is achieved in many ways. It may be individually from parents, friends or preachers. These same people are usually still there to help sustain and develop their new found faith.
Charismatic evangelists, such as Billy Graham or Benny Hin have called millions to believe and commit themselves to God.
These missions travel to major gatherings to spread faith. Then they move on.
SECOND Those who declare faith at evangelist missions, may have difficulty sustaining it after they leave. Their new faith requires a new direction and purpose in their lives to serve a God who is new to many of them. They declared their faith among an emotional crowd. Their intentions were sincere. Many then return to all the mundane problems at home.
Accepting the sovereignty of God is only the first step. This must lead to a completely new direction in their living with the rest of humanity. To achieve this they need a thorough knowledge of Christ’s Teaching in the Gospels. They need to find a church where help in their new life is available.
If they do not persist in finding a church that helps them in building and sustaining their new faith, they may lapse back to their old life.
After conversion, Christians need to sustain and develop their new faith. This is achieved from the ministry of preachers and fellowship with other Christians. Living as Christian is not as easy as it appears. New Christians have a great deal to learn how all Christ’s Teaching in the Gospels should guide their everyday living. Testimonies about the real help from the Holy Spirit available to ordinary Christians is a vital new dimension which they need to be made aware of.
A problem is the enormous variety of humans and what suits each individual. Our tastes vary enormously. Music, entertainment and sport are examples. It is vital for Christians to find a ministry that fulfils and sustains their faith. They can choose from many ministries which offer different forms of worship,
As in the parable of the sower, the seed of their new faith must fall on fertile soil if it is grow out and bear fruit.
There has been a proliferation of new ministries. Their support comes from conscious choices of ordinary people. They differ from established churches whose support often comes from old traditions or out of habit. They survive and get support by satisfying the needs of their members.
This great variety of current forms of worship is now available on the religious channels on TV to world wide audiences.
Forms of worship, which some find difficult, may reinforce the faith of others. That is excellent.
Those, who shop around will find worship that is real to them and support their faith. It may take time, but it is essential, if their faith is to be sustained.
Jesus warned that many false prophets would arise in His name and would deceive many. Presumably false preachers are those who, in the name of God, offer aims or rewards which distract attention from the Jesus’ real Messages.
THE TRUE VALUE of the many TV Ministries depends on how they inspire listeners to live according to Christ’s Teaching. Some appear to seek other goals. Instead of loving others, they promise selfish personal rewards, salvation or protection from adversity.
SALVATIONISM Some preachers promise salvation to those who join them in declaring their faith and praising God. These may be negative self serving beliefs which are expected to secure their place in Heaven.
God is not served by adulation and formal ceremonies, but by the actions of forgiving and loving our neighbours. Jesus promised care after death to those who lived by faith in Him.
THE SECOND COMING of Jesus was foretold in Mathew’s Gospel. Also mainly in Revelations, written nearly 100 years later. It is now the cornerstone of some of these sects. They believe that His return is imminent. Their worship aims to secure their place in Heaven when it happens.
This seems to pursue personal salvation, rather than for selfless service to our fellow man, as urged by Jesus.
The destruction of the world sometime is certainly possible, given man’s power over the atom.
It has not happened yet after two thousand years. There is no reason to assume that this is certain or imminent.
What is certain is that we will all die, and we know not when. That is a reason to live each day as if it were our last
It is how we live now that is important to us and to God.
EXCLUSIVITY in some sects allege that theirs is the only way to worship and that others are misguided and excluded.
It is inconceivable that a loving Creator, having sent his Son to die for us, would then allow subsequent manmade rules and practices to exclude those who did not accept them.
EMOTIONISM is a feature of some TV services led by eloquent and emotional preachers. They condemn Satan and praise God. They also get excited, shout and sing loud gospel music. This obviously makes these congregations feel good. The only question is whether it helps them to live as Christians for the rest of the week.
SPEAKIG AND PREACHING are two different ways of conveying a message. Jesus spoke in normal tones and language to give his teachings.
I feel uncomfortable when addresses are preached in emotional stentorian tones. They assume their own authority and talk down to their listeners. Nobody else conveys their message to me like that. Some audiences clearly accept it.
SUPPLICATION is implied in a recitation in some services “we are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under thy table”. Surely this serves no useful purpose. Our Creator knows that we are weak fallible sinners. He sent his Son with the message of repentance and forgiveness for our failings.
PERSONALISING worship is natural for humans. It may make us feel good. Surely emotional proclamations of praise and glorification
serve little purpose? Our Creator is concerned with deeds not words.
DECLARATIONS OF FAITH in God are often called for. Surely anyone who gets up on a Sunday morning and goes to worship a God he has never seen, already has faith. There is no need to proclaim it. What they need is help and forgiveness in serving God.
THEOLOGY. Some ministers are naturally interested in all aspects of the Bible. One claimed to have spent 9 000 hours in this study. Many issues arise from, different interpretations of early Greek and Roman texts, to the origins of original sin. These issues are often the basis of their sermons. They do not fill the spiritual needs of busy pragmatic laymen. What they do need are the Messages from Christ’s teaching in simple parables about how to live, these are simple principles which need no scholarly interpretation.
Conclusion, The variations in worship serve the different needs of diverse people. Their value depends on how listeners love the rest of mankind after their worship. The deceptions which Jesus warned against are those additions which distract attention from His messages on how to live. They may promise material prosperity or protection to the listeners but they are distractions nevertheless.
We worship God when we pray for strength and faith, but we serve Him when follow His two commandments brought by Jesus.
My journey came to fulfilment when I found ministries which concentrate on Christ’s simple teachings on how we should live every day. This means accepting God’s presence, purpose and help in all your waking life. This is precisely what Jesus taught. It is a long way from worshipping God merely by going to church once a week to reach God through a human preacher. It is free from the manmade additions which distracted my worship for too many years.
The leaders of these ministries share their faith and experience. They don’t preach down, to their listeners. Rather they relate the power of faith in their own and other peoples lives. They often report testimonies from people who had futility in their lives and turned to God. This is real.
Several TV programmes teach the real daily issues of Christian living. Among them:
JOYCE MYER’S Programme “Joyful Everyday Living”, to me is pre-eminent. I watch five times a week. She extols the joys of Christian living by praying and bringing God in to every aspect of life. She contrasts this with her previous worship of going to church once a week. She warns of the need to look for God’s help when times are tough.
She is a very smart, articulate and entertaining lady. She had a rough, tough and negative early life but has converted to a real positive living faith in God.
Her organisation has a staff of over 500 and publishes a monthly magazine, pamphlets, books an recorded teaching.( Weekdays at 900pm and 900am on channel 77, Sundays 8.30 am channel 78)
Joel Olsteen talks straight about real life issues. He emphasises not to dwell on past setbacks or insults, but to work with God for a better future.
He used to maintain his late father’s church. After his father’s death, he found himself in the hot seat. He was terrified but had Faith.
He now leads one of the largest churches in the USA. (Sometimes 10 am on channel 54 on Sundays. Also at 6pm on Mondays on 77.)
The Hour of Power by Dr. Robert. A. Schuller senior, he merely calls it Positive Christianity. His sermons concern real everyday living. Services are simple and joyful with a variety of great music and fun. It is a living contrast to the formal worship that I grew up with.
This church was started at a drive in cinema which was free on Sunday mornings. 50 years later it is now centred at a magnificent glass and steel Crystal Cathedral near Los Angeles.
These broadcasts started 35 years ago.
There is always Testimony, often from celebrities, which recall eventual triumph in overcoming challenges or adversity through faith. This is meaningful. (channel 77 at 6 pm. on Saturdays and at noon on Sundays channel 54)
The 700 Club reports numerous verified miracles of healing and the triumphs of those who were in trouble and then turned to God.(weekdays at 12noon on CBN)
Several others also speak sincerely about living every day in terms of God’s will and with His help. These include, Baylis Conway, Chad Everest, Greg Laurie, Ed Young, Rod Luce and others. Their styles vary but anyone seeking a teacher to sustain their faith should find some that suit them.
They are not part of any denomination. All these missions have earned support from fulfilling people’s need for how Jesus’ teaching should be applied in everyday life.
Living by God’s purpose will have temporal rewards, in addition to his promises of His help and spiritual salvation. Those who live according to His purpose, will benefit in other ways.
STRESS is widely believed to be one cause of ill-health. Remember that prayer “Give us the strength O Lord to change the things we can change, the serenity to endure what we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.” That serenity, derived from faith, is the alternative to stress.
Hatred is another cause of stress which has no place in Christian life.
WHAT OTHERS THINK The opinion of others can be a major constraint on behaviour. Christians should not care about the approval of men but instead what is right to God.
Escaping this tyranny has been one of the major breakthroughs in my life. I have tried to replace what is considered socially correct, with what I believe is right. That is real freedom.
Faith can be a vital strength, in even the lowest levels of public office, to do what we believe is right, not what is popular. This is integrity.
A variation is trying to keep up with the Joneses. Too often we acquire possessions more lavish than we need, merely to impress our peers. Christians do not need to do that.
SOCIAL HARMONY. A major factor in human welfare is the ability to live in peace with each other at social or international levels. This is only possible if faith teaches respect and tolerance for those who are different. The parable of the Good Samaritan illustrated that God loves all people.
The future of mankind depends on tolerance and respect for the rest of humanity. Without the belief in God’s love, societies naturally become hostile to outsiders. There are those who hate other groups who are defined as infidels and enemies.
Tribal hatreds between ethnic groups constantly lead to civil wars, especially in Africa.(Iraq) Christianity ought to provide this tolerance.
Sadly hostility exists even between Christian churches. This is contrary to Christ’s teaching.
There will never be peace on earth until mankind learn to love or at least respect one another.
Conclusion Our Creator gave us our lives and sent Jesus to tell us how to live. It is natural to expect that this will lead to a better quality of life, in addition to the spiritual rewards He promised.
Three simple Revelations were found in the messages of these ministries.
CHRISTIAN DAILY LIVIMG. These ministries concentrate simply on Christ’s Messages applied to all aspects of daily life. They lead their listeners by speaking of the day to day issues and how faith in God should guide us in all our decisions. This was His purpose for our lives.
He is always with us as a loving caring Father to help us to live His way. Every decision in life should be guided by faith in His Messages.
Adversity and disappointments are part of life. We should not complain and ask “why me ?” Rather we should ask for help and strength for the future. Help usually comes, but not always in the way it was expected.
This reality of His constant presence in the lives of the faithful is a real recipe for Christian Living.
This has replaced the practice of going once a week to some sombre holy place for a reverent preacher to call down the help of a remote Holy Lord.
ALL MEN ARE EQUAL to God. This may sound to be obvious. However our society is stratified according to the abilities and achievements of members. Leaders emerge in all fields, such as business, politics or sport. They are admired and respected for their prowess.
Conversely those who only achieve humble positions may be regarded, and even regard themselves, as inferior.
The revelation is that they are just as important to our Creator as of any human leader.
The message is that God created us all with different talents and that He has a purpose for each of us to fulfil. We need to pray to find this purpose, and for strength to achieve it. With His help, we can each succeed to achieve His plan for us.
As one preacher said, “the janitor is just as important to God as the company chairman.”
This was new to me, but it makes sense.
We all need, and can get, help in living the Christian life, no matter how humble our station. We deal with people all the time, at work, at home and in our communities. This is where we can serve God when we love our neighbours and our enemies.
This has meaning for everyone, no matter how humble their abilities.
THE HOLY SPIRIT has been shown to play a very real part in the lives of anyone who has faith to ask for help. There have been many many testimonies of God’s help to ordinary people, who turn to Him when they have had setbacks or lost their way.
This gives relevance to the injunction “Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you.”
This is a central theme of some of these ministries. It is real.
It contrasts with what was meaningless singing about “three in one and one in three”, which I was brought up with.
The awesome reality is that He is available to each of us here and now. We do not need to go through any human intermediary in a holy temple to get to Him or get help from Him.
To sum up. These ministries rejoice in the blessings and pleasures in our wonderful world
These forms of worship bring the simple messages of how to live a Christian life.
God has a purpose for each one of us, and the Holy Spirit is there to help us all to achieve it. Surely this is what Christ came to teach us ?
It depends only on our own faith in God and is reinforced by God’s enlightened ministries who help us to sustain our own faith.
Conclusion Now I have found ministries who teach the real Will of Jesus for our living. My faith is now much deeper and more real. It is peaceful and simple. God has a purpose for me too and will help me to achieve it. He is my loving and forgiving Boss and friend. I have now found a new peace and fulfilment.
This journey has taken most of my life. I have now found dedicated and sincere preachers who actually do pray in ordinary language for strength to follow Jesus’ teachings.
This replaced the concept of a critical authoritarian power waiting to condemn sinners and worshipped by sombre manmade rituals and doctrines in formalised churches.
I Thank God for leading me here.
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