Friday, 28 March 2008


Essay 10 FEBRUARY 2008


Judaism was founded by Prophets who were undoubtedly great spiritual leaders. They also made over 40 prophesies of His coming from God as the Messiah to lead the Jewish people. These included His descent from David and His birth in Bethlehem.
There had not been a recognised Prophet of Judaism for 300 years. In Jesus’ time the scribes and Pharisees, had become a secular authority, which ruled the Jews in the name of God. They exerted their power over social behaviour through traditional law, in the names of Moses and other prophets.
When John the Baptist told of the coming of Jesus he was rejected and reviled.
They ignored Jesus Teaching because they were not looking for a spiritual leader from God. They wanted a powerful secular leader to free Israel from Rome and confirm their own temporal authority. They condemned Jesus for infringing their rules by healing on the Sabbath and mixing with sinners. They accused him of blasphemy, and eventually demanded His crucifixion.
He vehemently condemned them as hypocrites and their temples as white sepulchres. He accused them in several parables of serving themselves and not God.
Later they then threatened to expel any Jews from the synagogues who believed in Jesus’ Teaching. This was a serious threat in Jewish s0ciety.
Most Jews subsequently resisted conversion to Christianity. This notwithstanding that they had followed Jesus in great multitudes when He preached and did miracles.
Later, the teachings of the Apostles were vigorously opposed. They were strongly condemned for converting Gentiles who were not circumcised! The majority of converts of the Apostles, who founded Christianity, were ultimately Gentiles.
The Pharisees condemned his followers and stoned Apostle Stephen to death. They also plotted unsuccessfully to kill St. Paul.
The indoctrination of young Jews was so strong that it was retained by the Apostles who later included the Old Testament in the Bible. It is now revered in the same way as Christ’s teaching in the Gospels.

Conclusion The prophesies of the coming of the Messiah, were ignored by the leaders of the synagogues. They opposed Jesus but they did not challenge His spiritual messages. They sought only to invoke their law to protect their own secular authority.
The irony is that the Pharisees succeeded dramatically.
Most of the Jews were prevented from accepting the revelations of God brought by Jesus. More significantly, The Old Testament mow occupies seven times as much space as the Gospels in the Christian Bible. It is now revered by Christians, on the same terms as Jesus’ Teaching.
They had the last laugh.

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